Chris Lowry
Chris Lowry
Associate Professor, Dept of Earth Sciences, University at Buffalo
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Identifying spatial variability of groundwater discharge in a wetland stream using a distributed temperature sensor
CS Lowry, JF Walker, RJ Hunt, MP Anderson
Water resources research 43 (10), 2007
CrowdHydrology: crowdsourcing hydrologic data and engaging citizen scientists
CS Lowry, MN Fienen
GroundWater 51 (1), 151-156, 2013
COMSOL Multiphysics: A novel approach to ground water modeling.
Q Li, K Ito, Z Wu, CS Lowry, II Loheide, P Steven
Ground Water 47 (4), 2009
Ground penetrating radar and spring formation in a groundwater dominated peat wetland
CS Lowry, D Fratta, MP Anderson
Journal of hydrology 373 (1-2), 68-79, 2009
An assessment of aquifer storage recovery using ground water flow models
CS Lowry, MP Anderson
Groundwater 44 (5), 661-667, 2006
Groundwater controls on vegetation composition and patterning in mountain meadows
CS Lowry, SP Loheide, CE Moore, JD Lundquist
Water Resources Research 47 (10), 2011
Groundwater‐dependent vegetation: Quantifying the groundwater subsidy
CS Lowry, SP Loheide
Water Resources Research 46 (6), 2010
Social. Water—A crowdsourcing tool for environmental data acquisition
MN Fienen, CS Lowry
Computers & Geosciences 49, 164-169, 2012
Hyporheic exchange controlled by dynamic hydrologic boundary conditions
NM Schmadel, AS Ward, CS Lowry, JM Malzone
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (9), 4408-4417, 2016
Modelling how vegetation cover affects climate change impacts on streamflow timing and magnitude in the snowmelt‐dominated upper Tuolumne Basin, Sierra Nevada
NC Cristea, JD Lundquist, SP Loheide, CS Lowry, CE Moore
Hydrological processes 28 (12), 3896-3918, 2014
Opportunities for crowdsourcing in urban flood monitoring
AM Helmrich, BL Ruddell, K Bessem, MV Chester, N Chohan, E Doerry, ...
Environmental modelling & software 143, 105124, 2021
Linking snowmelt‐derived fluxes and groundwater flow in a high elevation meadow system, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
CS Lowry, JS Deems, SP Loheide II, JD Lundquist
Hydrological Processes 24 (20), 2821-2833, 2010
Growing pains of crowdsourced stream stage monitoring using mobile phones: the development of CrowdHydrology
CS Lowry, MN Fienen, DM Hall, KF Stepenuck
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 128, 2019
Temporal hyporheic zone response to water table fluctuations
JM Malzone, SK Anseeuw, CS Lowry, R Allen‐King
Groundwater 54 (2), 274-285, 2016
Locating and quantifying spatially distributed groundwater/surface water interactions using temperature signals with paired fiber‐optic cables
EA Mamer, CS Lowry
Water Resources Research 49 (11), 7670-7680, 2013
Response of the hyporheic zone to transient groundwater fluctuations on the annual and storm event time scales
JM Malzone, CS Lowry, AS Ward
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5301-5321, 2016
Quantifying the potential effects of high-volume water extractions on water resources during natural gas development: Marcellus Shale, NY
LC Best, CS Lowry
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 1, 1-16, 2014
Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of crowdsourced data
PM Avellaneda, DL Ficklin, CS Lowry, JH Knouft, DM Hall
Water Resources Research 56 (5), e2019WR026325, 2020
Potential impacts of climate change on an aquifer in the arid Altiplano, northern Chile: The case of the protected wetlands of the Salar del Huasco basin
N Blin, M Hausner, S Leray, C Lowry, F Suárez
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 39, 100996, 2022
Simulating the effects of a beaver dam on regional groundwater flow through a wetland
K Feiner, CS Lowry
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 4, 675-685, 2015
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Articles 1–20