Elizabeth Kautz
Elizabeth Kautz
North Carolina State University, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Image driven machine learning methods for microstructure recognition
A Chowdhury, E Kautz, B Yener, D Lewis
Computational Materials Science 123, 176-187, 2016
Aqueous passivation of multi-principal element alloy Ni38Fe20Cr22Mn10Co10: Unexpected high Cr enrichment within the passive film
AY Gerard, J Han, SJ McDonnell, K Ogle, EJ Kautz, DK Schreiber, P Lu, ...
Acta Materialia 198, 121-133, 2020
Rapid and flexible segmentation of electron microscopy data using few-shot machine learning
S Akers, E Kautz, A Trevino-Gavito, M Olszta, BE Matthews, L Wang, Y Du, ...
npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 187, 2021
Image-driven discriminative and generative machine learning algorithms for establishing microstructure–processing relationships
W Ma, EJ Kautz, A Baskaran, A Chowdhury, V Joshi, B Yener, DJ Lewis
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (13), 2020
Grain boundary engineering to control the discontinuous precipitation in multicomponent U10Mo alloy
A Devaraj, L Kovarik, E Kautz, B Arey, S Jana, C Lavender, V Joshi
Acta Materialia 151, 181-190, 2018
Optical spectroscopy and modeling of uranium gas-phase oxidation: Progress and perspectives
EJ Kautz, EN Weerakkody, MS Finko, D Curreli, B Koroglu, TP Rose, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 185, 106283, 2021
Physical conditions for UO formation in laser-produced uranium plumes
SS Harilal, EJ Kautz, BE Bernacki, MC Phillips, PJ Skrodzki, M Burger, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (29), 16161-16169, 2019
Investigating zirconium alloy corrosion with advanced experimental techniques: A review
E Kautz, B Gwalani, Z Yu, T Varga, K Geelhood, A Devaraj, D Senor
Journal of Nuclear Materials 585, 154586, 2023
Time-resolved imaging of atoms and molecules in laser-produced uranium plasmas
EJ Kautz, PJ Skrodzki, M Burger, BE Bernacki, I Jovanovic, MC Phillips, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (11), 2236-2243, 2019
The role of ambient gas confinement, plasma chemistry, and focusing conditions on emission features of femtosecond laser-produced plasmas
EJ Kautz, J Yeak, BE Bernacki, MC Phillips, SS Harilal
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 35 (8), 1574-1586, 2020
Hydrogen isotopic analysis of nuclear reactor materials using ultrafast laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
EJ Kautz, A Devaraj, DJ Senor, SS Harilal
Optics Express 29 (4), 4936-4946, 2021
Time-resolved absorption spectroscopic characterization of ultrafast laser-produced plasmas under varying background pressures
SS Harilal, EJ Kautz, MC Phillips
Physical Review E 103 (1), 013213, 2021
Correlating work hardening with co-activation of stacking fault strengthening and transformation in a high entropy alloy using in-situ neutron diffraction
M Frank, SS Nene, Y Chen, B Gwalani, EJ Kautz, A Devaraj, K An, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22263, 2020
Extreme shear-deformation-induced modification of defect structures and hierarchical microstructure in an Al–Si alloy
B Gwalani, M Olszta, S Varma, L Li, A Soulami, E Kautz, S Pathak, ...
Communications Materials 1 (1), 85, 2020
A machine learning approach to thermal conductivity modeling: A case study on irradiated uranium-molybdenum nuclear fuels
EJ Kautz, AR Hagen, JM Johns, DE Burkes
Computational Materials Science 161, 107-118, 2019
Adoption of image-driven machine learning for microstructure characterization and materials design: a perspective
A Baskaran, EJ Kautz, A Chowdhary, W Ma, B Yener, DJ Lewis
Jom 73, 3639-3657, 2021
An image-driven machine learning approach to kinetic modeling of a discontinuous precipitation reaction
E Kautz, W Ma, S Jana, A Devaraj, V Joshi, B Yener, D Lewis
Materials Characterization 166, 110379, 2020
Phase transformation of metastable discontinuous precipitation products to equilibrium phases in U10Mo alloys
A Devaraj, E Kautz, L Kovarik, S Jana, N Overman, C Lavender, VV Joshi
Scripta Materialia 156, 70-74, 2018
Unraveling spatio-temporal chemistry evolution in laser ablation plumes and its relation to initial plasma conditions
EJ Kautz, MC Phillips, SS Harilal
Analytical Chemistry 92 (20), 13839-13846, 2020
The role of chromium content in aqueous passivation of a non-equiatomic Ni38Fe20CrxMn21-0.5 xCo21-0.5 x multi-principal element alloy (x= 22, 14, 10, 6 at%) in acidic chloride …
AY Gerard, EJ Kautz, DK Schreiber, J Han, S McDonnell, K Ogle, P Lu, ...
Acta Materialia 245, 118607, 2023
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Articles 1–20