Kevin L Simmons
Kevin L Simmons
Technical Group Leader, Applied Materials and Manufacturing, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Sol−Gel Transition Temperature of PLGA-g-PEG Aqueous Solutions
YM Chung, KL Simmons, A Gutowska, B Jeong
Biomacromolecules 3 (3), 511-516, 2002
Natural fiber composites: a review
MP Westman, LS Fifield, KL Simmons, S Laddha, TA Kafentzis
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2010
Nanoporous polytetrafluoroethylene/silica composite separator as a high‐performance all‐vanadium redox flow battery membrane
X Wei, Z Nie, Q Luo, B Li, B Chen, K Simmons, V Sprenkle, W Wang
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (9), 1215-1220, 2013
Microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium components fabricated by a new powder injection molding technique
E Nyberg, M Miller, K Simmons, KS Weil
Materials Science and Engineering: C 25 (3), 336-342, 2005
Polymers for hydrogen infrastructure and vehicle fuel systems
RR Barth, KL Simmons, CW San Marchi
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Pacific …, 2013
Hydrogen blending into natural gas pipeline infrastructure: Review of the state of technology
K Topolski, EP Reznicek, BC Erdener, CW San Marchi, JA Ronevich, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2022
Metal hydride material requirements for automotive hydrogen storage systems
JM Pasini, C Corgnale, BA Van Hassel, T Motyka, S Kumar, KL Simmons
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (23), 9755-9765, 2013
A new binder for powder injection molding titanium and other reactive metals
KS Weil, E Nyberg, K Simmons
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 176 (1-3), 205-209, 2006
A review of the fabrication methods and mechanical behavior of continuous thermoplastic polymer fiber–thermoplastic polymer matrix composites
Y Qiao, LD Fring, MR Pallaka, KL Simmons
Polymer Composites 44 (2), 694-733, 2023
Waste PET chemical processing to terephthalic amides and their effect on asphalt performance
DR Merkel, W Kuang, D Malhotra, G Petrossian, L Zhong, KL Simmons, ...
ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 8 (14), 5615-5625, 2020
Damage evolution in polymer due to exposure to high-pressure hydrogen gas
SS Kulkarni, KS Choi, W Kuang, N Menon, B Mills, A Soulami, K Simmons
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (36), 19001-19022, 2021
Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy vitrimer: robust mechanical performance and facile hydrothermal decomposition in pure water
T Liu, C Hao, L Shao, W Kuang, L Cosimbescu, KL Simmons, J Zhang
Macromolecular rapid communications 42 (3), 2000458, 2021
Joined fiber-reinforced composite material assembly with tunable anisotropic properties
KL Simmons, JA Khan, TA Kafentzis, K Bhamidipaty
US Patent 9,993,993, 2018
H-Mat hydrogen compatibility of polymers and elastomers
KL Simmons, W Kuang, SD Burton, BW Arey, Y Shin, NC Menon, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (23), 12300-12310, 2021
Secure storage and transport container for the handling of controlled materials
P Sliva, KA Stahl, KL Simmons, NC Anheier, NR Gordon, WR Park
US Patent 6,556,138, 2003
Hemp‐fiber‐reinforced unsaturated polyester composites: Optimization of processing and improvement of interfacial adhesion
R Qiu, X Ren, LS Fifield, KL Simmons, K Li
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 121 (2), 862-868, 2011
A predictive modeling tool for damage analysis and design of hydrogen storage composite pressure vessels
BN Nguyen, HS Roh, DR Merkel, KL Simmons
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (39), 20573-20585, 2021
Slurry-based chemical hydrogen storage systems for automotive fuel cell applications
KP Brooks, TA Semelsberger, KL Simmons, B van Hassel
Journal of power sources 268, 950-959, 2014
Significant slowdown of plasma-optimized surface energy deactivation by vacuum sealing for efficient adhesive bonding
Y Shin, Y Qiao, N Canfield, Z Yu, HM Meyer III, DR Merkel, EK Nickerson, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 240, 110001, 2022
Recyclable CFRPs with extremely high T g: hydrothermal recyclability in pure water and upcycling of the recyclates for new composite preparation
C Hao, T Liu, W Liu, M Fei, L Shao, W Kuang, KL Simmons, J Zhang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10 (29), 15623-15633, 2022
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Articles 1–20