Sikha Bagui
Cited by
Cited by
Reasons for increased learning using multimedia
S Bagui
Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia 7, 3-18, 1998
Resampling imbalanced data for network intrusion detection datasets
S Bagui, K Li
Journal of Big Data 8 (1), 6, 2021
Database design using entity-relationship diagrams
S Bagui, R Earp
Auerbach Publications, 2003
Breast cancer detection using rank nearest neighbor classification rules
SC Bagui, S Bagui, K Pal, NR Pal
Pattern recognition 36 (1), 25-34, 2003
Comparison of machine-learning algorithms for classification of VPN network traffic flow using time-related features
S Bagui, X Fang, E Kalaimannan, SC Bagui, J Sheehan
Journal of Cyber Security Technology 1 (2), 108-126, 2017
Introduction to NFTs: the future of digital collectibles
M Ali, S Bagui
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (10 …, 2021
Using machine learning techniques to identify rare cyber‐attacks on the UNSW‐NB15 dataset
S Bagui, E Kalaimannan, S Bagui, D Nandi, A Pinto
Security and Privacy 2 (6), e91, 2019
Machine learning and deep learning for phishing email classification using one-hot encoding
S Bagui, D Nandi, S Bagui, RJ White
J. Comput. Sci 17 (7), 610-623, 2021
Database sharding: to provide fault tolerance and scalability of big data on the cloud
S Bagui, LT Nguyen
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 5 (2), 36-52, 2015
Classifying phishing email using machine learning and deep learning
S Bagui, D Nandi, S Bagui, RJ White
2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital …, 2019
Machine learning based intrusion detection for IoT botnet
S Bagui, X Wang, S Bagui
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 11 (6), 399-406, 2021
Achievements and weaknesses of object-oriented databases
S Bagui
Journal of object technology 2 (4), 29-41, 2003
Positive and negative association rule mining in Hadoop’s MapReduce environment
S Bagui, PC Dhar
Journal of Big Data 6, 1-16, 2019
A heuristic approach for load balancing the FP-growth algorithm on MapReduce
S Bagui, K Devulapalli, J Coffey
Array 7, 100035, 2020
Atmospheric deposition of mercury and major ions to the Pensacola (Florida) watershed: spatial, seasonal, and inter-annual variability
JM Caffrey, WM Landing, SD Nolek, KJ Gosnell, SS Bagui, SC Bagui
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (12), 5425-5434, 2010
Introducing uwf-zeekdata22: A comprehensive network traffic dataset based on the mitre att&ck framework
SS Bagui, D Mink, SC Bagui, T Ghosh, R Plenkers, T McElroy, S Dulaney, ...
Data 8 (1), 18, 2023
Adaptable enterprise architectures for software evolution of SmartLife ecosystems
A Zimmermann, B Gonen, R Schmidt, E El-Sheikh, S Bagui, N Wilde
2014 IEEE 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2014
An approach to mining crime patterns
S Bagui
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 2 (1), 50-80, 2006
Deriving strong association mining rules using a dependency criterion, the lift measure
S Bagui, J Just, SC Bagui
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 1 (3), 297-312, 2009
Sentiment analysis on twitter data using term frequency-inverse document frequency
A Addiga, S Bagui
Journal of computer and communications 10 (8), 117-128, 2022
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Articles 1–20