Oana Boncalo
Oana Boncalo
Assistant Professor at Computer Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara
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Cited by
Design issues and implementations for floating-point divide–add fused
A Amaricai, M Vladutiu, O Boncalo
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 57 (4), 295-299, 2010
Analysis and design of cost-effective, high-throughput LDPC decoders
TT Nguyen-Ly, V Savin, K Le, D Declercq, F Ghaffari, O Boncalo
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 26 (3), 508-521, 2017
An FPGA sliding window-based architecture Harris corner detector
A Amaricai, CE Gavriliu, O Boncalo
2014 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2014
FPGA design of high throughput LDPC decoder based on imprecise offset min-sum decoding
T Nguyen-Ly, K Le, F Ghaffari, A Amaricai, O Boncalo, V Savin, ...
2015 IEEE 13th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 1-4, 2015
Calibration of CO, NO2, and O3 Using Airify: A Low-Cost Sensor Cluster for Air Quality Monitoring
ME Ionascu, N Castell, O Boncalo, P Schneider, M Darie, M Marcu
Sensors 21 (23), 7977, 2021
Non-surjective finite alphabet iterative decoders
TT Nguyen-Ly, K Le, V Savin, D Declercq, F Ghaffari, O Boncalo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2016
Layered LDPC decoders with efficient memory access scheduling and mapping and built-in support for pipeline hazards mitigation
O Boncalo, G Kolumban-Antal, A Amaricai, V Savin, D Declercq
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 66 (4), 1643-1656, 2018
Variable-node-shift based architecture for probabilistic gradient descent bit flipping on QC-LDPC codes
K Le, D Declercq, F Ghaffari, L Kessal, O Boncalo, V Savin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (7), 2183-2195, 2017
Probabilistic gate level fault modeling for near and sub-threshold CMOS circuits
A Amaricai, S Nimara, O Boncalo, J Chen, E Popovici
2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 473-479, 2014
Ultra high throughput unrolled layered architecture for QC-LDPC decoders
O Boncalo, A Amaricai
2017 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 225-230, 2017
FPGA architecture of multi-codeword LDPC decoder with efficient BRAM utilization
S Nimara, O Boncalo, A Amaricai, M Popa
2016 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of …, 2016
Memory efficient FPGA implementation for flooded LDPC decoder
A Amaricai, O Boncalo, I Mot
2015 23rd telecommunications forum Telfor (TELFOR), 500-503, 2015
Cost-efficient FPGA layered LDPC decoder with serial AP-LLR processing
O Boncalo, A Amaricai, A Hera, V Savin
2014 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2014
Stopping criterion for decoding Quasi-Cyclic LDPC codes
V Savin, O Boncalo, D Declercq
US Patent 10,651,872, 2020
Memory trade-offs in layered self-corrected min-sum LDPC decoders
O Boncalo, A Amaricai, PF Mihancea, V Savin
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 87, 169-180, 2016
Using simulated fault injection for fault tolerance assessment of quantum circuits
O Boncalo, M Udrescu, L Prodan, M Vladutiu, A Amaricai
40th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'07), 213-220, 2007
Design of addition and multiplication units for high performance interval arithmetic processor
A Amaricai, M Vladutiu, L Prodan, M Udrescu, O Boncalo
2007 IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 1-4, 2007
Configurable fpga architecture for hardware-software merge sorting
PC Petrut, A Amaricai, O Boncalo
2016 MIXDES-23rd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated …, 2016
Low‐precision DSP‐based floating‐point multiply‐add fused for Field Programmable Gate Arrays
A Amaricai, O Boncalo, CE Gavriliu
IET Computers & Digital Techniques 8 (4), 187-197, 2014
Code-design for efficient pipelined layered LDPC decoders with bank memory organization
O Boncalo, G Kolumban-Antal, D Declercq, V Savin
Microprocessors and Microsystems 63, 216-225, 2018
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Articles 1–20