Henrik Bengtsson
Cited by
Cited by
Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma
D Bell, A Berchuck, M Birrer, J Chien, DW Cramer
Nature 474 (7353), 609-615, 2011
Identification of a CpG island methylator phenotype that defines a distinct subgroup of glioma
H Noushmehr, DJ Weisenberger, K Diefes, HS Phillips, K Pujara, ...
Cancer cell 17 (5), 510-522, 2010
Subtype and pathway specific responses to anticancer compounds in breast cancer
LM Heiser, A Sadanandam, WL Kuo, SC Benz, TC Goldstein, S Ng, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (8), 2724-2729, 2012
DNA copy number analysis of fresh and formalin-fixed specimens by shallow whole-genome sequencing with identification and exclusion of problematic regions in the genome assembly
ADGYB Scheinin I, Sie D, Bengtsson H, van de Wiel MA, Olshen AB, van Thuijl ...
Genome Research, 2014
Exploration, normalization, and genotype calls of high-density oligonucleotide SNP array data
B Carvalho, H Bengtsson, TP Speed, RA Irizarry
Biostatistics 8 (2), 485-499, 2007
Identification of SOX3 as an XX male sex reversal gene in mice and humans
E Sutton, J Hughes, S White, R Sekido, J Tan, V Arboleda, N Rogers, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 121 (1), 328-341, 2011
aroma.affymetrix: A generic framework in R for analyzing small to very large Affymetrix data sets in bounded memory
H Bengtsson, K Simpson, J Bullard, K Hansen
Technical report #745, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley, 2008
Estimation and assessment of raw copy numbers at the single locus level
H Bengtsson, R Irizarry, B Carvalho, TP Speed
Bioinformatics 24 (6), 759-767, 2008
Copy number variation in patients with disorders of sex development due to 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis
S White, T Ohnesorg, A Notini, K Roeszler, J Hewitt, H Daggag, C Smith, ...
PLOS ONE 6 (3), e17793, 2011
A single-array preprocessing method for estimating full-resolution raw copy numbers from all Affymetrix genotyping arrays including GenomeWideSNP 5 & 6
H Bengtsson, P Wirapati, TP Speed
Bioinformatics 25 (17), 2149-2156, 2009
matrixStats: Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)
H Bengtsson
R package version 0.52 2, 2017, 2017
Clonal expansion and epigenetic reprogramming following deletion or amplification of mutant IDH1
T Mazor, C Chesnelong, A Pankov, LE Jalbert, C Hong, J Hayes, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (40), 10743-10748, 2017
A Unifying Framework for Parallel and Distributed Processing in R using Futures
H Bengtsson, 2020
Parent-specific copy number in paired tumor–normal studies using circular binary segmentation
AB Olshen, H Bengtsson, P Neuvial, PT Spellman, RA Olshen, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (15), 2038-2046, 2011
Novel RUNX1 mutations in familial platelet disorder with enhanced risk for acute myeloid leukemia: clues for improved identification of the FPD/AML syndrome
MCJ Jongmans, RP Kuiper, CL Carmichael, EJ Wilkins, N Dors, ...
Leukemia 24 (1), 242-246, 2009
Cytomegalovirus immediate-early proteins promote stemness properties in glioblastoma
L Soroceanu, L Matlaf, S Khan, A Akhavan, E Singer, V Bezrookove, ...
Cancer research 75 (15), 3065-3076, 2015
illuminaio: An open source IDAT parsing tool for Illumina microarrays
ML Smith, KA Baggerly, H Bengtsson, ME Ritchie, KD Hansen
F1000Research 2, 264, 2013
Two distinct routes to oral cancer differing in genome instability and risk for cervical node metastasis
A Bhattacharya, R Roy, AM Snijders, G Hamilton, J Paquette, T Tokuyasu, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 17 (22), 7024-7034, 2011
TumorBoost: Normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays
H Bengtsson, P Neuvial, T Speed
BMC Bioinformatics 11 (1), 245, 2010
Calibration and assessment of channel-specific biases in microarray data with extended dynamical range
H Bengtsson, G Jönsson, J Vallon-Christersson
BMC Bioinformatics 5 (1), 177, 2004
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Articles 1–20