Shane T. Mueller
Cited by
Cited by
The psychology experiment building language (PEBL) and PEBL test battery
ST Mueller, BJ Piper
Journal of neuroscience methods 222, 250-259, 2014
Metrics for explainable AI: Challenges and prospects
RR Hoffman, ST Mueller, G Klein, J Litman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.04608, 2018
Explanation in human-AI systems: A literature meta-review, synopsis of key ideas and publications, and bibliography for explainable AI
ST Mueller, RR Hoffman, W Clancey, A Emrey, G Klein
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01876, 2019
A note on ROC analysis and non-parametric estimate of sensitivity
J Zhang, ST Mueller
Psychometrika 70 (1), 203-212, 2005
Theoretical implications of articulatory duration, phonological similarity, and phonological complexity in verbal working memory.
ST Mueller, TL Seymour, DE Kieras, DE Meyer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (6), 1353, 2003
Decision noise: An explanation for observed violations of signal detection theory
ST Mueller, CT Weidemann
Psychonomic bulletin & review 15, 465-494, 2008
Executive function on the psychology experiment building language tests
BJ Piper, V Li, MA Eiwaz, YV Kobel, TS Benice, AM Chu, RHJ Olsen, ...
Behavior research methods 44, 110-123, 2012
Insights into working memory from the perspective of the EPIC architecture for modeling skilled perceptual-motor and cognitive human performance
TL Kieras, D. E. Meyer, D. E., Mueller, S. T. Seymour
Models of working memory, 1999
The psychology experiment building language, version 0.13
ST Mueller
Computer software. Available at: http://pebl. sourceforge. net, 2012
Interference suppression vs. response inhibition: An explanation for the absence of a bilingual advantage in preschoolers’ Stroop task performance
AG Esposito, L Baker-Ward, ST Mueller
Cognitive development 28 (4), 354-363, 2013
Measures for explainable AI: Explanation goodness, user satisfaction, mental models, curiosity, trust, and human-AI performance
RR Hoffman, ST Mueller, G Klein, J Litman
Frontiers in Computer Science 5, 1096257, 2023
Explaining Explanation For “Explainable AI”
RR Hoffman, G Klein, ST Mueller
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
Reliability and validity of neurobehavioral function on the Psychology Experimental Building Language test battery in young adults
BJ Piper, ST Mueller, AR Geerken, KL Dixon, G Kroliczak, RHJ Olsen, ...
PeerJ 3, e1460, 2015
Evaluation of a short-form of the Berg Card Sorting Test
CJ Fox, ST Mueller, HM Gray, J Raber, BJ Piper
PloS one 8 (5), e63885, 2013
Principles of explanation in human-AI systems
ST Mueller, ES Veinott, RR Hoffman, G Klein, L Alam, T Mamun, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04972, 2021
Alphabetic letter identification: Effects of perceivability, similarity, and bias
ST Mueller, CT Weidemann
Acta psychologica 139 (1), 19-37, 2012
PEBL: The psychology experiment building language (Version 0.10)[Computer experiment programming language]
ST Mueller
Retrieved Nov, 2012
Executive-process interactive control: A unified computational theory for answering 20 questions (and more) about cognitive ageing
DE Meyer, JM Glass, ST Mueller, TL Seymour, DE Kieras
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 13 (1-2), 123-164, 2001
Explaining explanation, part 2: Empirical foundations
RR Hoffman, ST Mueller, G Klein
IEEE Intelligent Systems 32 (4), 78-86, 2017
Explaining explanation, part 4: a deep dive on deep nets
R Hoffman, T Miller, ST Mueller, G Klein, WJ Clancey
IEEE Intelligent Systems 33 (3), 87-95, 2018
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