Gareth Perry
Gareth Perry
Assistant Professor of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology
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A statistical analysis of STEVE
B Gallardo‐Lacourt, Y Nishimura, E Donovan, DM Gillies, GW Perry, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (11), 9893-9905, 2018
Steve: The optical signature of intense subauroral ion drifts
WE Archer, B Gallardo‐Lacourt, GW Perry, JP St.‐Maurice, SC Buchert, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (12), 6279-6286, 2019
The vertical distribution of the optical emissions of a Steve and Picket Fence event
WE Archer, JP St.‐Maurice, B Gallardo‐Lacourt, GW Perry, CM Cully, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (19), 10719-10725, 2019
First observations of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using automated amateur radio receiving networks
NA Frissell, SR Kaeppler, DF Sanchez, GW Perry, WD Engelke, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (5), e2022GL097879, 2022
Space‐time variability of polar cap patches: Direct evidence for internal plasma structuring
H Dahlgren, GW Perry, JL Semeter, JP St.‐Maurice, K Hosokawa, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A9), 2012
Automatically determining the origin direction and propagation mode of high-frequency radar backscatter
AG Burrell, SE Milan, GW Perry, TK Yeoman, M Lester
Radio Science 50 (12), 1225-1245, 2015
Low‐altitude ion heating, downflowing ions, and BBELF waves in the return current region
Y Shen, DJ Knudsen, JK Burchill, AD Howarth, AW Yau, DM Miles, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (4), 3087-3110, 2018
Topside ionospheric disturbances detected using radio occultation measurements during the August 2017 solar eclipse
GW Perry, C Watson, AD Howarth, DR Themens, V Foss, RB Langley, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (13), 7069-7078, 2019
The relationship between large scale thermospheric density enhancements and the spatial distribution of Poynting flux
DD Billett, GW Perry, LBN Clausen, WE Archer, KA McWilliams, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (5), e2021JA029205, 2021
First results of HF radio science with e-POP RRI and SuperDARN
GW Perry, HG James, RG Gillies, A Howarth, GC Hussey, KA McWilliams, ...
Radio Science 52 (1), 78-93, 2017
Spatiotemporally resolved electrodynamic properties of a Sun‐aligned arc over Resolute Bay
GW Perry, H Dahlgren, MJ Nicolls, M Zettergren, JP St.‐Maurice, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (11), 9977-9987, 2015
Eclipse‐induced changes to topside ion composition and field‐aligned ion flows in the August 2017 solar eclipse: e‐POP observations
AW Yau, V Foss, AD Howarth, GW Perry, C Watson, J Huba
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (20), 10,829-10,837, 2018
Strong amplification of ELF/VLF signals in space using neutral gas injections from a satellite rocket engine
PA Bernhardt, WC Bougas, MK Griffin, C Watson, RB Langley, ...
Radio Science 56 (2), 1-18, 2021
Citizen radio science: An analysis of amateur radio transmissions with e-POP RRI
GW Perry, NA Frissell, ES Miller, M Moses, A Shovkoplyas, AD Howarth, ...
Radio Science 53 (8), 933-947, 2018
Comparison of SuperDARN irregularity drift measurements and F-region ion velocities from the resolute bay ISR
H Bahcivan, MJ Nicolls, G Perry
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 105, 325-331, 2013
The interconnection between cross‒polar cap convection and the luminosity of polar cap patches
GW Perry, JP St.‒Maurice, K Hosokawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (11), 7306-7315, 2013
A polar-cap patch detection algorithm for the Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar System
GW Perry, JPS Maurice
Radio Science 53 (10), 1225-1244, 2018
Large-scale comparison of polar cap ionospheric velocities measured by RISR-C, RISR-N, and SuperDARN
RG Gillies, GW Perry, AV Koustov, RH Varney, AS Reimer, E Spanswick, ...
Radio Science 53 (5), 624-639, 2018
3D imaging reveals electrod ynamics of polar cap aurora
H Dahlgren, G Perry, JP St Maurice, T Sundberg, K Hosokawa, ...
Astronomy & Geophysics 55 (5), 5.26-5.28, 2014
Solar influences on the return direction of high-frequency radar backscatter
AG Burrell, GW Perry, TK Yeoman, SE Milan, R Stoneback
Radio Science 53 (4), 577-597, 2018
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Articles 1–20