Mudassar Mumtaz
Mudassar Mumtaz
Research Associate, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Khalifa University
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CO2 storage potential during CO2 enhanced oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs
MG Rezk, J Foroozesh, D Zivar, M Mumtaz
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 66, 233-243, 2019
Visible light driven CO2 reduction to methanol by Cu-porphyrin impregnated mesoporous Ti-MCM-48
S Nadeem, A Mumtaz, M Mumtaz, MIA Mutalib, MS Shaharun, B Abdullah
Journal of Molecular Liquids 272, 656-667, 2018
An Integrated Property–Performance Analysis for CO2-Philic Foam-Assisted CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery
SH Talebian, M Sagir, M Mumtaz
Energy & fuels 32 (7), 7773-7785, 2018
Investigation of dispersion stability and IFT reduction using surface modified nanoparticle: Enhanced oil recovery
A Ahmed, IM Saaid, AH Tunio, RM Pilus, M Mumtaz, I Ahmad
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 7 (4S), 56-62, 2017
Effect of pH on the static adsorption of foaming surfactants on Malaysian sandstone
M Mushtaq, IM Tan, U Rashid, M Sagir, M Mumtaz
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 8539-8548, 2015
Synergistic effects of surfactants mixture for foam stability measurements for enhanced oil recovery applications
M Mumtaz, IM Tan, M Mushtaq
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, SPE …, 2015
A review on sensing and catalytic activity of nano-catalyst for synthesis of one-step ammonia and urea: Challenges and perspectives
S Qureshi, M Mumtaz, FK Chong, A Mukhtar, S Saqib, S Ullah, ...
Chemosphere 291, 132806, 2022
A Review on CO2 Foam for Mobility Control: Enhanced Oil Recovery
S Ahmed, KA Elraies, IM Tan, M Mumtaz
ICIPEG 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated …, 2017
Experimental Assessment of Fracture Initiation and Wettability in Low and High Brittle Shales by CO2 Foam Fracturing Fluids
JA Khan, E Padmanabhan, IU Haq, N Yekeen, M Mumtaz, S Prajapati
Energy & Fuels 36 (15), 8288-8300, 2022
Effect of Surfactant on Wettability Change and Enhanced Shale Gas Recovery
M Ayoub, SM Mahmood, ME Mohyaldinn, SR Jufar, M Mumtaz
ICIPEG 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated …, 2017
The competitive adsorption of CO2 and CH4 and pore structure characterization: Implication for enhanced gas recovery and carbon sequestration
O Iqbal, E Padmanabhan, A Hughes, FA Abdulkareem, C Rabe, ...
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 498-504, 2022
Advances in Evaluation of Surfactant Performances at High Temperature by Static Foam Tests
M Mumtaz, IM Tan, M Mushtaq, M Sagir
Advanced Materials Research 1133, 634-638, 2016
Effect of Ball Milling of Fly Ash Particle Size on Foam Stabilization for EOR Applications
I Ahmad, M Awang, S Sufian, MI Khan, M Mumtaz
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (6-7), 2016
Development and evaluation of fly ash particle for foam stability for possible application to foam flooding
I Ahmad, MB Awang, M Mumtaz, MZM Noor
J Sci Res Dev 2 (14), 166-71, 2015
Potential of Fly Ash as a Foam Stabilizing Additive
I Ahamad, M Awang, M Mumtaz
ICIPEG 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated …, 2017
Polymer-Enhanced Foam Formulation Design for CO2-Sequestration and Mobility Control in Carbonate Reservoirs
M Mumtaz, M Mushtaq, EW Al-Shalabi, W Alameri, G Karanikolos, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D021S036R004, 2024
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Articles 1–16