Alexander Heinlein
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Cited by
Combining machine learning and domain decomposition methods for the solution of partial differential equations—a review
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 44 (1), e202100001, 2021
Numerical modeling of fluid–structure interaction in arteries with anisotropic polyconvex hyperelastic and anisotropic viscoelastic material models at finite strains
D Balzani, S Deparis, S Fausten, D Forti, A Heinlein, A Klawonn, ...
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 32 (10 …, 2016
Multiscale coarse spaces for overlapping Schwarz methods based on the ACMS space in 2D
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, J Knepper, O Rheinbach
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018
A parallel implementation of a two-level overlapping Schwarz method with energy-minimizing coarse space based on Trilinos
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (6), C713-C747, 2016
Adaptive GDSW coarse spaces for overlapping Schwarz methods in three dimensions
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, J Knepper, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (5), A3045-A3072, 2019
Machine Learning in Adaptive Domain Decomposition Methods---Predicting the Geometric Location of Constraints
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (6), A3887-A3912, 2019
Multilevel domain decomposition-based architectures for physics-informed neural networks
V Dolean, A Heinlein, S Mishra, B Moseley
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 429, 117116, 2024
Estimating the time-dependent contact rate of SIR and SEIR models in mathematical epidemiology using physics-informed neural networks
V Grimm, A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 56, 1-27, 2022
FROSch: A fast and robust overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition preconditioner based on Xpetra in Trilinos
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, S Rajamanickam, O Rheinbach
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXV 25, 176-184, 2020
The approximate component mode synthesis special finite element method in two dimensions: parallel implementation and numerical results
A Heinlein, U Hetmaniuk, A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 289, 116-133, 2015
Stationary flow predictions using convolutional neural networks
M Eichinger, A Heinlein, A Klawonn
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019: European …, 2020
Parallel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners and multiscale discretizations with applications to fluid-structure interaction and highly heterogeneous problems
A Heinlein
Universität zu Köln, 2016
Surrogate convolutional neural network models for steady computational fluid dynamics simulations
M Eichinger, A Heinlein, A Klawonn
Universität zu Köln, 2020
An adaptive GDSW coarse space for two-level overlapping Schwarz methods in two dimensions
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, J Knepper, O Rheinbach
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV 24, 373-382, 2018
Improving the parallel performance of overlapping Schwarz methods by using a smaller energy minimizing coarse space
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, O Rheinbach, OB Widlund
International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 383-392, 2017
Finite basis kolmogorov-arnold networks: domain decomposition for data-driven and physics-informed problems
AA Howard, B Jacob, SH Murphy, A Heinlein, P Stinis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19662, 2024
Additive and hybrid nonlinear two-level Schwarz methods and energy minimizing coarse spaces for unstructured grids
A Heinlein, M Lanser
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (4), A2461-A2488, 2020
Monolithic overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition methods with GDSW coarse spaces for incompressible fluid flow problems
A Heinlein, C Hochmuth, A Klawonn
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (4), C291-C316, 2019
Combining Machine Learning and Adaptive Coarse Spaces---A Hybrid Approach for Robust FETI-DP Methods in Three Dimensions
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (5), S816-S838, 2021
Reduced dimension GDSW coarse spaces for monolithic Schwarz domain decomposition methods for incompressible fluid flow problems
A Heinlein, C Hochmuth, A Klawonn
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (6), 1101-1119, 2020
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Articles 1–20