René Ruby-Figueroa
René Ruby-Figueroa
Programa Institutional de Fomento A la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PIDi), Universidad
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Nanofiltration and tight ultrafiltration membranes for the recovery of polyphenols from agro-food by-products
A Cassano, C Conidi, R Ruby-Figueroa, R Castro-Muñoz
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (2), 351, 2018
Current role of membrane technology: From the treatment of agro-industrial by-products up to the valorization of valuable compounds
R Castro-Muñoz, BE Barragán-Huerta, V Fíla, PC Denis, ...
Waste and Biomass Valorization 9, 513-529, 2018
Phenolics and Antioxidant Capacity of Table Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars Grown in Chile
M Lutz, K Jorquera, B Cancino, R Ruby, C Henriquez
Journal of food science 76 (7), C1088-C1093, 2011
Ultrafiltration of orange press liquor: Optimization for permeate flux and fouling index by response surface methodology
RAR Figueroa, A Cassano, E Drioli
Separation and Purification Technology 80 (1), 1-10, 2011
Recovery of flavonoids from orange press liquor by an integrated membrane process
A Cassano, C Conidi, R Ruby-Figueroa
Membranes 4 (3), 509-524, 2014
Metal sulfide precipitation coupled with membrane filtration process for recovering copper from acid mine drainage
K Menzel, L Barros, A García, R Ruby-Figueroa, H Estay
Separation and Purification Technology 270, 118721, 2021
Recent advances and perspectives of ultrasound assisted membrane food processing
A Córdova, C Astudillo-Castro, R Ruby-Figueroa, P Valencia, C Soto
Food Research International 133, 109163, 2020
Effect of pressure and pH in ammonium retention for nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes to be used in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS)
B Cancino-Madariaga, CF Hurtado, R Ruby
Aquacultural engineering 45 (3), 103-108, 2011
Purification of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) by three-stage serial nanofiltration units under critical transmembrane pressure conditions
A Córdova, C Astudillo, L Santibañez, A Cassano, R Ruby-Figueroa, ...
Chemical engineering research and design 117, 488-499, 2017
Membrane technology for a sustainable copper mining industry: The Chilean paradigm
S Santoro, H Estay, AH Avci, L Pugliese, R Ruby-Figueroa, A Garcia, ...
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 2, 100091, 2021
Ultrafiltration of orange press liquor: Optimization of operating conditions for the recovery of antioxidant compounds by response surface methodology
R Ruby-Figueroa, A Cassano, E Drioli
Separation and purification technology 98, 255-261, 2012
Permeate flux prediction in the ultrafiltration of fruit juices by ARIMA models
R Ruby-Figueroa, J Saavedra, N Bahamonde, A Cassano
Journal of Membrane Science 524, 108-116, 2017
A two-step nanofiltration process for the production of phenolic-rich fractions from artichoke aqueous extracts
A Cassano, C Conidi, R Ruby Figueroa, R Castro Muñoz
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (4), 8968-8987, 2015
Prediction of permeate flux in ultrafiltration processes: A review of modeling approaches
C Quezada, H Estay, A Cassano, E Troncoso, R Ruby-Figueroa
Membranes 11 (5), 368, 2021
Analysis of the membrane fouling mechanisms involved in clarified grape juice ultrafiltration using statistical tools
B Cancino-Madariaga, R Ruby, C Astudillo Castro, J Saavedra Torrico, ...
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (10), 4017-4024, 2012
Water recovery assessment from hypersaline lithium-rich brines using Membrane Distillation-Crystallization
M Quilaqueo, G Seriche, L Barros, C González, J Romero, ...
Desalination 537, 115887, 2022
Impact of precipitate characteristics and precipitation conditions on the settling performance of a sulfide precipitation process: An exhaustive characterization of the …
M Gim-Krumm, M Quilaqueo, V Rojas, G Seriche, R Ruby-Figueroa, ...
Hydrometallurgy 189, 105150, 2019
Seawater desalination using PVDF-HFP membrane in DCMD process: Assessment of operating condition by response surface method
S Fadhil, QF Alsalhy, HF Makki, R Ruby-Figueroa, T Marino, A Criscuoli, ...
Chemical Engineering Communications 206 (2), 237-246, 2019
Impact of membrane pore size on the clarification performance of grape marc extract by microfiltration
F Mora, K Pérez, C Quezada, C Herrera, A Cassano, R Ruby-Figueroa
Membranes 9 (11), 146, 2019
Recovery of anthocyanins and monosaccharides from grape marc extract by nanofiltration membranes
P Muñoz, K Pérez, A Cassano, R Ruby-Figueroa
Molecules 26 (7), 2003, 2021
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Articles 1–20