Meris Mandernach Longmeier
Meris Mandernach Longmeier
Associate Professor, Ohio State University
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Hackathons as an informal learning platform
A Nandi, M Mandernach
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science …, 2016
Usability test results for a discovery tool in an academic library
JC Fagan, MA Mandernach, CS Nelson, JR Paulo, G Saunders
Information technology and libraries 31 (1), 83-112, 2012
Relationship building one step at a time: Case studies of successful faculty-librarian partnerships
JO Díaz, MA Mandernach
portal: Libraries and the Academy 17 (2), 273-282, 2017
Finding articles and journals via Google Scholar, journal portals, and link resolvers: Usability study results
L Dixon, C Duncan, JC Fagan, M Mandernach, SE Warlick
Reference & User Services Quarterly, 170-181, 2010
Hacking and making at time-bounded events: Current trends and next steps in research and event design
A Filippova, B Chapman, RS Geiger, JD Herbsleb, A Kalyanasundaram, ...
Companion of the 2017 ACM conference on computer supported cooperative work …, 2017
Reference Service at an Inflection Point: Transformations in Academic Libraries
C Gibson, M Mandernach
ACRL, 2013
The evolution of library instruction delivery in the chemistry curriculum informed by mixed assessment methods
M Mandernach, Y Shorish, BA Reisner
Association of College & Research Libraries. Science and Technology Section, 2014
Consider “HACKS” when designing hackathon challenges: Hook, action, collaborative knowledge sharing
C Wallwey, MM Longmeier, D Hayde, J Armstrong, R Kajfez, R Pelan
Frontiers in education 7, 954044, 2022
Framing Outcomes and Program Assessment for Digital Scholarship Services: A Logic Model Approach
MM Longmeier, SA Murphy
College & Research Libraries 82 (2), 2021
Hackathons and libraries: the evolving landscape 2014-2020
MM Longmeier
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures. A new division of the American …, 2021
Accessibility and disability services for libraries: A survey of large, research-intensive institutions
MM Longmeier, AK Foster
portal: Libraries and the Academy 22 (4), 823-853, 2022
Fostering a tech culture through campus collaborations: a case study of a hackathon and library partnership
MM Longmeier, DS Dotson, JN Armstrong
Science & Technology Libraries 41 (2), 152-173, 2022
Library & Information Science Journal Editors' Views on Query Letters
MM Longmeier, JC Fagan
College & Research Libraries Journal 82 (6), 2021
An informal learning program as a replicable model for student-led, industry-supported experiential learning
J Armstrong, MM Longmeier
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference CEED Section …, 2020
Creating Organizational Buy-in: Overcoming Challenges to a Library-Wide Discovery Tool Implementation
MA Mandernach, JC Fagan
IGI Global, 2012
Developing globally inclusive practices for library instruction sessions
P Espinosa de los Monteros, MM Longmeier
New Review of Academic Librarianship 29 (2), 152-173, 2023
A roadmap for discovery service implementation at an academic library
JC Fagan, MA Mandernach
Poster presented at the Meeting of the Association of College and Research …, 2011
Teaching the Teachers: Building Information Literacy into the Biology Curriculum
M Mandernach
LOEX Conference, 2008
Finding a good fit faster: Tips for writing query letters to LIS journals
MM Longmeier, JC Fagan
College & Research Libraries News 82 (6), 269, 2021
Query Letter Samples for Library and Information Science Journals
MM Longmeier, JC Fagan
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Articles 1–20