Dr. Garima Mathur
Dr. Garima Mathur
Head & Professor, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur
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Performance analysis of MIMO OFDM system for different modulation schemes under various fading channels
N Achra, G Mathur, RP Yadav
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication …, 2013
Robust digital image watermarking using DCT based pyramid transform via image compression
JP Maheshwari, M Kumar, G Mathur, RP Yadav, RK Kakerda
2015 International conference on communications and signal processing (ICCSP …, 2015
Face recognition using SOM neural network with different facial feature extraction techniques
N Soni, M Kumar, G Mathur
International Journal of Computer Applications 76 (3), 2013
Intelligent video surveillance based on object tracking
G Mathur, D Somwanshi, MM Bundele
2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and …, 2018
Study of electromagnetic radiation effects on human body and reduction techniques
R Acharya, D Kumar, G Mathur
Optical and Wireless Technologies: Proceedings of OWT 2017, 497-505, 2018
Fuzzy type image fusion using hybrid DCT-FFT based laplacian pyramid Transform
RK Kakerda, M Kumar, G Mathur, RP Yadav, JP Maheshwari
2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2015
A Matlab Based High Speed Face Recognition System Using SOM Neural Networks
N Soni, G Mathur, M Kumar
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) 3 (4 …, 2013
Hydro-chemistry of Udaipur lakes.
SC Gupta, GS Rathore, GC Mathur
Indian Journal of Environmental Health 43 (1), 38-44, 2001
Evaluation of swelling studies and thermal characteristics of castor oil based polyurethane elastomeric networks
R Kumar, SK Srivastava, GN Mathur
Journal of Elastomers & Plastics 17 (1), 89-96, 1985
Improved radius selection in sphere decoder for MIMO System
S Mrinalee, HP Garg, G Mathur, RP Yadav
2014 International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global …, 2014
Numerical simulation and analytical modelling of C8-BTBT-C8 organic transistor and analysis of semiconductor thickness
S Dadhich, ADD Dwivedi, G Mathur
Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of …, 2022
Surface charge based modeling of TIPS-pentacene TFT
S Dadhich, ADD Dwivedi, G Mathur
2021 8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications …, 2021
Accelerated artificial bee colony algorithm for parameter estimation of frequency-modulated sound waves
B Gothania, G Mathur, RP Yadav
Int. J. Electron. Commun. Eng 7 (1), 63-74, 2014
Comparison between Viterbi algorithm soft and hard decision decoding
R Vijay, S Mrinalee, G Mathur
Journal of Information Systems and Communication 3 (1), 193, 2012
IoT-based big data storage systems in cloud computing
P Shah, AK Jain, T Mishra, G Mathur
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Smart Energy and …, 2021
An Experimental Analysis on EMG Artifact Removal Methods from EEG Signal Records
GM Sagar S. Motdhare
Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications (MSEA) 71 (1), 72–78, 2022
Mobile charge carrier based modeling of 4H–21 DNTT and structure analysis of OTFT
S Dadhich, G Mathur, ADD Dwivedi
2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Technology, Engineering …, 2021
An overview of smart identity cards for educational institutions
R Acharya, S Jakhar, D Kumar, G Mathur
Optical and Wireless Technologies: Proceedings of OWT 2018, 293-300, 2020
Improved radius selection in sphere decoder for MIMO System
RP Yadav, G Mathur, S Mrinalee, HP Garg
International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development 5, 7th, 2014
Space time block codes: An overview
S Boolchandani, G Mathur, G Kalra
International Journal in advances in computer networks and security. Pg, 107-112, 0
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Articles 1–20