Jacob Bedrossian
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Cited by
Inviscid damping and the asymptotic stability of planar shear flows in the 2D Euler equations
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS 122 (1), 195-300, 2015
Enhanced dissipation and inviscid damping in the inviscid limit of the Navier–Stokes equations near the two dimensional Couette flow
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi, V Vicol
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 219, 1087-1159, 2016
Landau damping: paraproducts and Gevrey regularity
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi, C Mouhot
Annals of PDE 2, 1-71, 2016
Local and global well-posedness for aggregation equations and Patlak–Keller–Segel models with degenerate diffusion
J Bedrossian, N Rodríguez, AL Bertozzi
Nonlinearity 24 (6), 1683, 2011
On the stability threshold for the 3D Couette flow in Sobolev regularity
J Bedrossian, P Germain, N Masmoudi
Annals of Mathematics 185 (2), 541-608, 2017
Enhanced dissipation, hypoellipticity, and anomalous small noise inviscid limits in shear flows
J Bedrossian, M Coti Zelati
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 224 (3), 1161-1204, 2017
The Sobolev stability threshold for 2D shear flows near Couette
J Bedrossian, V Vicol, F Wang
Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 2051-2075, 2018
Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow I: Below threshold case
J Bedrossian, P Germain, N Masmoudi
American Mathematical Society 266 (1294), 2020
A second order virtual node method for elliptic problems with interfaces and irregular domains
J Bedrossian, JH Von Brecht, S Zhu, E Sifakis, JM Teran
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (18), 6405-6426, 2010
Vortex axisymmetrization, inviscid damping, and vorticity depletion in the linearized 2D Euler equations
J Bedrossian, M Coti Zelati, V Vicol
Annals of PDE 5, 1-192, 2019
Stability of the Couette flow at high Reynolds numbers in two dimensions and three dimensions
J Bedrossian, P Germain, N Masmoudi
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 56 (3), 373-414, 2019
Suppression of blow-up in Patlak--Keller--Segel via shear flows
J Bedrossian, S He
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (6), 4722-4766, 2017
Almost-sure enhanced dissipation and uniform-in-diffusivity exponential mixing for advection–diffusion by stochastic Navier–Stokes
J Bedrossian, A Blumenthal, S Punshon-Smith
Probability Theory and Related Fields 179 (3), 777-834, 2021
Landau damping in finite regularity for unconfined systems with screened interactions
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi, C Mouhot
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 71 (3), 537-576, 2018
Existence, Uniqueness and Lipschitz Dependence for Patlak–Keller–Segel and Navier–Stokes in with Measure-Valued Initial Data
J Bedrossian, N Masmoudi
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 214, 717-801, 2014
Almost-sure exponential mixing of passive scalars by the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations
J Bedrossian, A Blumenthal, S Punshon-Smith
The Annals of Probability 50 (1), 241-303, 2022
Nonlinear echoes and Landau damping with insufficient regularity
J Bedrossian
Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 3 (1), 121-205, 2020
The Batchelor spectrum of passive scalar turbulence in stochastic fluid mechanics at fixed Reynolds number
J Bedrossian, A Blumenthal, S Punshon‐Smith
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 75 (6), 1237-1291, 2022
Global minimizers for free energies of subcritical aggregation equations with degenerate diffusion
J Bedrossian
Applied mathematics letters 24 (11), 1927-1932, 2011
Nonlinear inviscid damping and shear‐buoyancy instability in the two‐dimensional Boussinesq equations
J Bedrossian, R Bianchini, MC Zelati, M Dolce
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 76 (12), 3685-3768, 2023
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Articles 1–20