Nancy Rodriguez
Nancy Rodriguez
Professor, Criminology, Law and Society
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Cited by
The collateral consequences of incarceration revisited: A qualitative analysis of the effects on caregivers of children of incarcerated parents
JJ Turanovic, N Rodriguez, TC Pratt
Criminology 50 (4), 913-959, 2012
Restorative justice at work: Examining the impact of restorative justice resolutions on juvenile recidivism
N Rodriguez
Crime & Delinquency 53 (3), 355-379, 2007
Criers, liars, and manipulators: Probation officers' views of girls
E Gaarder, N Rodriguez, MS Zatz
Justice Quarterly 21 (3), 547-578, 2004
The cumulative effect of race and ethnicity in juvenile court outcomes and why preadjudication detention matters
N Rodriguez
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 47 (3), 391-413, 2010
Concentrated disadvantage and the incarceration of youth: Examining how context affects juvenile justice
N Rodriguez
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50 (2), 189-215, 2013
Police decision making in sexual assault cases: Predictors of suspect identification and arrest
M Tasca, N Rodriguez, C Spohn, MP Koss
Journal of interpersonal violence 28 (6), 1157-1177, 2013
Juvenile court context and detention decisions: Reconsidering the role of race, ethnicity, and community characteristics in juvenile court processes
N Rodriguez
Justice Quarterly 24 (4), 629-656, 2007
Effects of individual and contextual characteristics on preadjudication detention of juvenile delinquents
GS Armstrong, N Rodriguez
Justice Quarterly 22 (4), 521-539, 2005
“Youth is enmeshed in a highly dysfunctional family system”: Exploring the relationship among dysfunctional families, parental incarceration, and juvenile court decision making
N Rodriguez, H Smith, MS Zatz
Criminology 47 (1), 177-208, 2009
Restorative justice, communities, and delinquency: Whom do we reintegrate?
N Rodriguez
Criminology & public policy 4 (1), 103-130, 2005
The effect of importation and deprivation factors on violent misconduct: An examination of Black and Latino youth in prison
M Tasca, ML Griffin, N Rodriguez
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 8 (3), 234-249, 2010
Family and residential instability in the context of paternal and maternal incarceration
M Tasca, N Rodriguez, MS Zatz
Criminal justice and behavior 38 (3), 231-247, 2011
Images of color, images of crime
CR Mann, MS Zatz, N Rodriguez
Los Angeles: Roxbury, 1998
Families coming together in prison: An examination of visitation encounters
M Tasca, P Mulvey, N Rodriguez
Punishment & Society 18 (4), 459-478, 2016
Restorative justice practice: An examination of program completion and recidivism
K De Beus, N Rodriguez
Journal of Criminal Justice 35 (3), 337-347, 2007
Dreams and nightmares: Immigration policy, youth, and families
MS Zatz, N Rodriguez
University of California Press, 2015
Multiple measures of juvenile drug court effectiveness: Results of a quasi-experimental design
N Rodriguez, VJ Webb
Crime & Delinquency 50 (2), 292-314, 2004
Minority threat and juvenile court outcomes
MJ Leiber, JH Peck, N Rodriguez
Crime & Delinquency 62 (1), 54-80, 2016
The implementation of the disproportionate minority confinement/contact (DMC) mandate: A failure or success?
M Leiber, N Rodriguez
Race and Justice 1 (1), 103-124, 2011
Examining the impact of individual, community, and market factors on methamphetamine use: A tale of two cities
N Rodriguez, C Katz, VJ Webb, DR Schaefer
Journal of Drug Issues 35 (4), 665-693, 2005
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20