Gabriel Gonzalez-Serna
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Cited by
Propuesta para el manejo de información clínica basada en la NOM-168 por medio de un dispositivo móvil y la tecnología NFC-A proposal for clinic data management based on NOM …
SE García, ML Sánchez, JG González
ReCIBE, Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y …, 2014
Effects of relevant contextual features in the performance of a restaurant recommender system
B Vargas-Govea, G González-Serna, R Ponce-Medellín
3rd International Workshop on Context-Aware Recommender Systems (CARS), EUA …, 2011
KAPEAN: Understanding Affective States of Children with ADHD
F Martínez, C Barraza, N González, J González
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (2), 18-28, 2016
A systematic review of machine learning and IoT applied to the prediction and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases
A Cuevas-Chávez, Y Hernandez, J Ortiz-Hernandez, E Sanchez-Jimenez, ...
Healthcare 11 (16), 2240, 2023
EEG lecture on recommended activities for the induction of attention and concentration mental states on e-learning students
JY Arana-Llanes, G González-Serna, R Pineda-Tapia, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 34 (5), 3359-3371, 2018
A metamodel to carry out reverse engineering of c++ code into uml sequence diagrams
M Lopez, J Perez, A Montes
Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA'06) 2, 331-336, 2006
A metric for the evaluation of restricted domain ontologies
M Tovar, D Pinto, A Montes, G González-Serna
Computación y Sistemas 22 (1), 147-162, 2018
Clasificación de roles semánticos usando características sintácticas, semánticas y contextuales
JA Reyes, A Montes, JG González, DE Pinto
Computación y sistemas 17 (2), 263-272, 2013
Identification of Ontological Relations in Domain Corpus Using Formal Concept Analysis.
M Tovar, D Pinto, A Montes, G González, D Vilarino
Engineering Letters 23 (2), 2015
A systematic review for cognitive state-based QoE/UX evaluation
E Banuelos-Lozoya, G Gonzalez-Serna, N Gonzalez-Franco, ...
Sensors 21 (10), 3439, 2021
Recognition of mexican sign language through the leap motion controller
LOR Nájera, ML Sánchez, JGG Serna, RP Tapia, JYA Llanes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC), 147, 2016
Technology integration around the geographic information: A state of the art
R Ponce-Medellin, G Gonzalez-Serna, R Vargas, L Ruiz
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.0909, 2009
Study of the user's eye tracking to analyze the blinking behavior while playing a video game to identify cognitive load levels
LR Derick, GS Gabriel, LS Máximo, FD Olivia, CS Noé, OR Juan
2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing …, 2020
Induction of emotional states in people with disabilities through film clips using brain computer interfaces
F Ortiz, JG González, A Montes, N González, AM Peña
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (2), 563-568, 2016
Design and user-centered evaluation of recommender systems for mobile devices-Methodology for user-centered evaluation of context-aware recommender systems
JY Arana-Llanes, JC Rendón-Miranda, JG González-Serna, ...
2014 international conference on computational science and computational …, 2014
Automatic classification of scientific papers in PDF for populating ontologies
JC Rendón-Miranda, JY Arana-Llanes, JG González-Serna, ...
2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2014
Use of lexico-syntactic patterns for the evaluation of taxonomic relations
M Tovar, D Pinto, A Montes, G González, D Vilariño, B Beltrán
Pattern Recognition: 6th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2014, Cancun, Mexico, June …, 2014
Evaluation of ontological relations in corpora of restricted domain
M Tovar Vidal, DE Pinto Avendaño, A Montes Rendón, ...
Computación y Sistemas 19 (1), 135-149, 2015
Evaluación de relaciones ontológicas en corpora de dominio restringido
M Tovar, D Pinto, A Montes, G González-Serna, D Vilariño
Computacion y sistemas 19 (1), 135-149, 2015
Building a flexile Web caching system
VJ Sosa, G González, L Navarro
Proceedings of the Fourth Mexican International Conference on Computer …, 2003
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Articles 1–20