Dr. Hassan M. Khormi حسن خرمي
Dr. Hassan M. Khormi حسن خرمي
Department of Social Sciences - Arts college - Jazan University - Saudi Arabia
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Cited by
Modeling dengue fever risk based on socioeconomic parameters, nationality and age groups: GIS and remote sensing based case study
HM Khormi, L Kumar
Science of the Total Environment 409 (22), 4713-4719, 2011
Climate change and the potential global distribution of Aedes aegypti: spatial modelling using geographical information system and CLIMEX
HM Khormi, L Kumar
Geospatial health 8 (2), 405-415, 2014
Modeling spatio-temporal risk changes in the incidence of dengue fever in Saudi Arabia: a geographical information system case study
HM Khormi, L Kumar, RA Elzahrany
Geospatial health 6 (1), 77-84, 2011
Assessing the risk for dengue fever based on socioeconomic and environmental variables in a geographical information system environment
HM Khormi, L Kumar
Geospatial health 6 (2), 171-176, 2012
Future Malaria Spatial Pattern Based on Potential Global Warming Impact in South and Southeast Asia
Geospatial Health 11 (3), 290-298, 2016
The importance of appropriate temporal and spatial scales for dengue fever control and management
HM Khormi, L Kumar
Science of the Total Environment 430, 144-149, 2012
Examples of using spatial information technologies for mapping and modelling mosquitoborne diseases based on environmental, climatic, socioeconomic factors and different …
HM Khormi, L Kumar
J Food Agr Environ 9, 41-49, 2011
The spatial distribution of crime and population density in Saudi Arabia
M Algahtany, L Kumar, E Barclay, HM Khormi
Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 1-17, 2017
Describing and analysing the association between meteorological variables and adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
HM Khormi, LK Lalit Kumar, RA Elzahrany
Mapping hotspots of underground water quality based on the variation of chemical concentration in Amman, Zarqa and Balqa regions, Jordan
KA Alqadi, L Kumar, HM Khormi
Environmental earth sciences 71, 2309-2317, 2014
Modelling interactions between vector-borne diseases and environment using GIS
HM Khormi, L Kumar
CRC press, 2015
Regression model for predicting adult female Aedes aegypti based on meteorological variables: a case study of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
HM Khormi, LK Lalit Kumar, RA Elzahrany
Using geographic information system and remote sensing to study common mosquito-borne diseases in Saudi Arabia: A review
HM Khormi, L Kumar
J. Food Agric. Environ 11 (2), 14-17, 2013
Identifying and visualizing spatial patterns and hot spots of clinically-confirmed dengue fever cases and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
HM Khormi, L Kumar
New Delhi: WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia and Manila: WHO Regional …, 2011
Are immigrants more likely to be involved in criminal activity in Saudi Arabia?
M Algahtany, L Kumar, H Khormi
Open Journal of Social Sciences 4 (03), 170, 2016
Hotspots, research productivity and collaboration networks in remote sensing and GIS in Australia from 1991 to 2010
L Kumar, HM Khormi
Journal of Spatial Science 57 (1), 101-113, 2012
Spatio-temporal changes on crime patterns in Saudi Arabia from 2003–2012
M Algahtany, L Kumar, HM Khormi
Journal of Law and Social Sciences 4, 11-19, 2014
Monitoring larval populations of Aedes aegypti in different residential districts of Jeddah governorate, Saudi Arabia
LKJAM Khalid M. Al-Ghamdi, Abbas M. Al-Azab, Hassan M. Khormi
Journal Food, Agriculture and Environment 12 (3&4), 448-452, 2014
Landscape of ecological research in A ustralia: A bibliometric analysis of trends in research output and hotspots of research from 1991 to 2010
L Kumar, HM Khormi
Austral Ecology 38 (5), 599-608, 2013
Desertification hazards in the middle zone of Wadi Fatimah, West Saudi Arabia
M Al-Mutiry, ESA Hermas, AF Alqurashi, O Alharbi, H Khormi
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 26 (3), 491-503, 2023
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Articles 1–20