Jesus Mavarez
Jesus Mavarez
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine
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Speciation by hybridization in Heliconius butterflies
J Mavárez, CA Salazar, E Bermingham, C Salcedo, CD Jiggins, M Linares
Nature 441 (7095), 868-871, 2006
A Conserved Supergene Locus Controls Colour Pattern Diversity in Heliconius Butterflies
M Joron, R Papa, M Beltrán, N Chamberlain, J Mavárez, S Baxter, ...
PLoS biology 4 (10), e303, 2006
Homoploid hybrid speciation in animals
J Mavárez, M Linares
Molecular Ecology 17 (19), 4181-4185, 2008
A Genetic Linkage Map of the Mimetic Butterfly Heliconius melpomene
CD Jiggins, J Mavarez, M Beltrán, WO McMillan, JS Johnston, ...
Genetics 171 (2), 557-570, 2005
Hybrid trait speciation and Heliconius butterflies
CD Jiggins, C Salazar, M Linares, J Mavarez
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
Phylogenomic Analysis of the Explosive Adaptive Radiation of the Espeletia Complex (Asteraceae) in the Tropical Andes
C Pouchon, A Fernández, JM Nassar, F Boyer, S Aubert, S Lavergne, ...
Systematic biology 67 (6), 1041-1060, 2018
Introgressive hybridization between two Iberian endemic cyprinid fish: a comparison between two independent hybrid zones
MA Aboim, J Mavárez, L Bernatchez, MM Coelho
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (4), 817-828, 2010
Microsatellite and morphological analysis of population structure in the parthenogenetic freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata: insights into the creation of clonal …
S Samadi, J Mavárez, JP Pointier, B Delay, P Jarne
Molecular Ecology 8 (7), 1141-1153, 1999
A hybrid zone provides evidence for incipient ecological speciation in Heliconius butterflies
CF Arias, AG Munoz, CD Jiggins, J Mavarez, E Bermingham, M Linares
Molecular ecology 17 (21), 4699-4712, 2008
Hybridization promotes speciation in Coenonympha butterflies
T Capblancq, L Després, D Rioux, J Mavárez
Molecular Ecology 24 (24), 6209-6222, 2015
Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation. 4. Hybrid speciation in butterflies in a jungle
EA Duenez-Guzman, J Mavarez, MD Vose, S Gavrilets
Evolution 63 (10), 2611-2626, 2009
Genetic differentiation without mimicry shift in a pair of hybridizing Heliconius species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
C Mérot, J Mavárez, A Evin, KK Dasmahapatra, J Mallet, G Lamas, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109 (4), 830-847, 2013
Lessons from a tarantula: new insights into myosin interacting-heads motif evolution and its implications on disease
L Alamo, A Pinto, G Sulbarán, J Mavárez, R Padrón
Biophysical Reviews 10, 1465-1477, 2018
Major disruption of gene expression in hybrids between young sympatric anadromous and resident populations of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill)
J Mavarez, C Audet, L Bernatchez
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (8), 1708-1720, 2009
Fine‐scale population structure and dispersal in Biomphalaria glabrata, the intermediate snail host of Schistosoma mansoni, in Venezuela
J Mavárez, M Amarista, JP Pointier, P Jarne
Molecular Ecology 11 (5), 879-889, 2002
Genetic differentiation, dispersal and mating system in the schistosome-transmitting freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata
J Mavárez, JP Pointier, P David, B Delay, P Jarne
Heredity 89 (4), 258-265, 2002
Evolutionary history and phylogeography of the schistosome-vector freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences
J Mavárez, C Steiner, JP Pointier, P Jarne
Heredity 89 (4), 266-272, 2002
ffrench-Constant RH, Mallet J, McMillan WO, Jiggins CD. 2006. A conserved supergene locus controls colour pattern diversity in Heliconius butterflies
M Joron, R Papa, M Beltrán, N Chamberlain, J Mavárez, S Baxter, ...
PLoS Biology 4 (10), e303, 0
Speciation with gene flow: Evidence from a complex of alpine butterflies (Coenonympha, Satyridae)
T Capblancq, J Mavárez, D Rioux, L Després
Ecology and evolution 9 (11), 6444-6457, 2019
Microsatellite variation in the freshwater schistosome-transmitting snail Biomphalaria glabrata.
J Mavárez, M Amarista, JP Pointier, P Jarne
Molecular Ecology 9 (7), 2000
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