Juan F Díaz-Morales
Cited by
Cited by
Procrastination: Different time orientations reflect different motives
JR Ferrari, JF Díaz-Morales
Journal of Research in Personality 41 (3), 707-714, 2007
Frequent behavioral delay tendencies by adults: International prevalence rates of chronic procrastination
JR Ferrari, JF Diaz-Morales, J O'Callaghan, K Diaz, D Argumedo
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 38 (4), 458-464, 2007
Social jetlag, academic achievement and cognitive performance: Understanding gender/sex differences
JF Díaz-Morales, C Escribano
Chronobiology international 32 (6), 822-831, 2015
Perceptions of self-concept and self-presentation by procrastinators: Further evidence
JR Ferrari, JF Díaz-Morales
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 10 (1), 91-96, 2007
Estructura factorial y fiabilidad del Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo
JF Díaz-Morales
Psicothema 18 (3), 565-571, 2006
A global look at time: A 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory
A Sircova, FJR van de Vijver, E Osin, TL Milfont, N Fieulaine, ...
Sage Open 4 (1), 2158244013515686, 2014
Associations among sleep, chronotype, parental monitoring, and pubertal development among German adolescents
C Randler, S Bilger, JF Díaz-Morales
The Journal of Psychology 143 (5), 509-520, 2009
Morning and evening-types: Exploring their personality styles
JF Díaz-Morales
Personality and individual differences 43 (4), 769-778, 2007
Indecision and Avoidant Procrastination: The Role of Morningness—Eveningness and Time Perspective in Chronic Delay Lifestyles
JF Díaz-Morales, JR Ferrari, JR Cohen
The journal of general psychology 135 (3), 228-240, 2008
Relaciones entre estilos de personalidad y satisfacción autopercibida en diferentes áreas vitales
JF Díaz Morales, MP Sánchez-López
Psicothema 14 (1), 100-105, 2002
Morningness–eveningness and amplitude–development and validation of an improved composite scale to measure circadian preference and stability (MESSi)
C Randler, JF Díaz-Morales, A Rahafar, C Vollmer
Chronobiology international 33 (7), 832-848, 2016
Morningness-eveningness and anxiety among adults: A matter of sex/gender?
JF Díaz-Morales, M Pilar Sánchez-López
Personality and Individual Differences 44 (6), 1391-1401, 2008
Age and motives for volunteering: Further evidence
MC Dávila de León, JF Díaz-Morales
Europe’s Journal of Psychology 5 (2), 82-95, 2009
Morningness-eveningness and sleep habits among adolescents: Age and gender differences
MJ Collado Mateo, JF Díaz-Morales, C Escribano Barreno, ...
Psicothema 24 (3), 410-415, 2012
Procrastinación: Una Revisión de su Medida y sus Correlatos
JF Díaz-Morales
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación–e Avaliação Psicológica …, 2019
An integrated view of personality styles related to avoidant procrastination
JF Díaz-Morales, JR Cohen, JR Ferrari
Personality and Individual Differences 45 (6), 554-558, 2008
Morningness-eveningness in adolescents
JF Díaz-Morales, MG Sorroche
The Spanish journal of psychology 11 (01), 201-206, 2008
Objetivos de vida y satisfacción vital en adolescentes españoles y argentinos
A Castro Solano, JF Díaz Morales
Psicothema 14 (1), 112-117, 2002
Morningness in German and Spanish students: A comparative study
C Randler, JF Díaz‐Morales
European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2007
Problematic Facebook use and procrastination
A Przepiorka, A Błachnio, JF Díaz-Morales
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 59-64, 2016
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Articles 1–20