José Manuel Palma-Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
Re-conceptualizing the Anthropocene: A call for collaboration
ES Brondizio, K O’brien, X Bai, F Biermann, W Steffen, F Berkhout, ...
Global Environmental Change 39, 318-327, 2016
Urban neighbourhoods and intergroup relations: The importance of place identity
F Bernardo, JM Palma-Oliveira
Journal of Environmental Psychology 45, 239-251, 2016
Tiered approach to resilience assessment
I Linkov, C Fox‐Lent, L Read, CR Allen, JC Arnott, E Bellini, J Coaffee, ...
Risk Analysis 38 (9), 1772-1780, 2018
Comparative, collaborative, and integrative risk governance for emerging technologies
I Linkov, BD Trump, E Anklam, D Berube, P Boisseasu, C Cummings, ...
Environment Systems and Decisions 38, 170-176, 2018
Features of resilience
EB Connelly, CR Allen, K Hatfield, JM Palma-Oliveira, DD Woods, ...
Environment systems and decisions 37, 46-50, 2017
Resilience and risk: Methods and application in environment, cyber and social domains
I Linkov, JM Palma-Oliveira
Springer, 2017
Place change and identity processes.
F Bernardo, JM Palma-Oliveira
Revista Medio Ambiente Y Comportamiento Humano, 2005
Place identity: A central concept in understanding intergroup relationships in the urban context
F Bernardo, JM Palma-Oliveira
The role of place identity in the perception, understanding, and design of …, 2012
Place identity, place attachment and the scale of place: The impact of place salience
F Bernardo, J Palma-Oliveira
Psyecology 4 (2), 167-193, 2013
Community‐driven hypothesis testing: A solution for the tragedy of the anticommons
JM Palma‐Oliveira, BD Trump, MD Wood, I Linkov
Risk Analysis 38 (3), 620-634, 2018
Polychlorinated dibenzo (p) dioxin and furan (PCDD/F) congener profiles in cement kiln emissions and impacts
M Ames, S Zemba, L Green, MJ Botelho, D Gossman, I Linkov, ...
Science of the Total Environment 419, 37-43, 2012
Emissions of metals and polychlorinated dibenzo (p) dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) from Portland cement manufacturing plants: Inter-kiln variability and dependence on fuel-types
S Zemba, M Ames, L Green, MJ Botelho, D Gossman, I Linkov, ...
Science of the Total Environment 409 (20), 4198-4205, 2011
Stakeholder mapping and disruption scenarios with application to resilience of a container port
A Almutairi, ZA Collier, D Hendrickson, JM Palma-Oliveira, TL Polmateer, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 182, 219-232, 2019
Why do people fail to act? Situational barriers and constraints on ecological behavior
R Gaspar, JM Palma-Oliveira, V Corral-Verdugo
Psychological approaches to sustainability: Current trends in research …, 2010
Air quality monitoring and management in Lisbon
F Ferreira, H Tente, P Torres, S Cardoso, JM Palma-Oliveira
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 65, 443-450, 2000
Social resilience and critical infrastructure systems
BD Trump, K Poinsatte-Jones, M Elran, C Allen, B Srdjevic, M Merad, ...
Resilience and Risk: Methods and Application in Environment, Cyber and …, 2017
An introduction to resilience for critical infrastructures
I Linkov, JM Palma-Oliveira
Resilience and risk: Methods and application in environment, cyber and …, 2017
Identification with the neighborhood: Discrimination and neighborhood size
F Bernardo, JM Palma-Oliveira
Self and Identity 15 (5), 579-598, 2016
Assessing risk for violent and general recidivism: A study of the HCR-20 and the PCL-R with a non-clinical sample of Portuguese offenders
AC Neves, RA Gonçalves, JM Palma-Oliveira
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 10 (2), 137-149, 2011
Stress ambiental: Um selectivo ponto da situação e modelo explicativo
JM Palma-Oliveira
Revista da Sociedade portuguesa de psicologia 28, 13-77, 1992
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Articles 1–20