NG Teng Yong
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Cited by
Active control of FGM plates with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators
XQ He, TY Ng, S Sivashanker, KM Liew
International journal of Solids and Structures 38 (9), 1641-1655, 2001
Dynamic stability analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shells under periodic axial loading
TY Ng, KY Lam, KM Liew, JN Reddy
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (8), 1295-1309, 2001
Simulating flow of DNA suspension using dissipative particle dynamics
X Fan, N Phan-Thien, S Chen, X Wu, T Yong Ng
Physics of Fluids 18 (6), 2006
Anti-fouling graphene-based membranes for effective water desalination
DH Seo, S Pineda, YC Woo, M Xie, AT Murdock, EYM Ang, Y Jiao, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 683, 2018
Dissipative particle dynamics: introduction, methodology and complex fluid applications—a review
E Moeendarbary, TY Ng, M Zangeneh
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 1 (04), 737-763, 2009
Microchannel flow of a macromolecular suspension
X Fan, N Phan-Thien, NT Yong, X Wu, D Xu
Physics of fluids 15 (1), 11-21, 2003
Advances in mechanics of soft materials: A review of large deformation behavior of hydrogels
Z Liu, W Toh, TY Ng
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 7 (05), 1530001, 2015
Free vibration analysis of conical shells via the element-free kp-Ritz method
KM Liew, TY Ng, X Zhao
Journal of Sound and Vibration 281 (3-5), 627-645, 2005
Free vibration and buckling analyses of shear-deformable plates based on FSDT meshfree method
KM Liew, J Wang, TY Ng, MJ Tan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 276 (3-5), 997-1017, 2004
Harmonic reproducing kernel particle method for free vibration analysis of rotating cylindrical shells
KM Liew, TY Ng, X Zhao, JN Reddy
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191 (37-38), 4141-4157, 2002
A molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons containing dispersed Stone–Thrower–Wales defects
TY Ng, JJ Yeo, ZS Liu
Carbon 50 (13), 4887-4893, 2012
Recent advances of the constitutive models of smart materials—hydrogels and shape memory polymers
R Huang, S Zheng, Z Liu, TY Ng
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 12 (02), 2050014, 2020
FE analysis of geometry effects of an artificial bird striking an aeroengine fan blade
SA Meguid, RH Mao, TY Ng
International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (6), 487-498, 2008
Active control of FGM plates subjected to a temperature gradient: modelling via finite element method based on FSDT
KM Liew, XQ He, TY Ng, S Sivashanker
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 52 (11), 1253-1271, 2001
Modeling and simulation of the swelling behavior of pH-stimulus-responsive hydrogels
H Li, TY Ng, YK Yew, KY Lam
Biomacromolecules 6 (1), 109-120, 2005
Vibrations of rotating cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells with stringer and ring stiffeners
X Zhao, KM Liew, TY Ng
International Journal of Solids and Structures 39 (2), 529-545, 2002
Meshfree method for large deformation analysis–a reproducing kernel particle approach
KM Liew, TY Ng, YC Wu
Engineering Structures 24 (5), 543-551, 2002
Additively manufactured continuous carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic for topology optimized unmanned aerial vehicle structures
GD Goh, W Toh, YL Yap, TY Ng, WY Yeong
Composites Part B: Engineering 216, 108840, 2021
Generalized differential quadrature for free vibration of rotating composite laminated conical shell with various boundary conditions
TY Ng, H Li, KY Lam
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (3), 567-587, 2003
Analytical solutions for the dynamic analysis of a valveless micropump—a fluid–membrane coupling study
LS Pan, TY Ng, GR Liu, KY Lam, TY Jiang
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 93 (2), 173-181, 2001
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Articles 1–20