Jong-hyoung Kim
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Cited by
An indentation method for evaluation of residual stress: Estimation of stress-free indentation curve using stress-independent indentation parameters
J Kim, S Choi, J Lee, HJ Ahn, YC Kim, MJ Choi, D Kwon
Journal of Materials Research 34 (7), 1103-1111, 2019
Directionality of residual stress evaluated by instrumented indentation testing using wedge indenter
HJ Ahn, J Kim, H Xu, J Lee, JY Kim, YC Kim, D Kwon
Metals and Materials International 23, 465-472, 2017
Determination of directionality of nonequibiaxial residual stress by nanoindentation testing using a modified Berkovich indenter
J Kim, H Xu, MJ Choi, E Heo, YC Kim, D Kwon
Journal of Materials Research 33 (22), 3849-3856, 2018
A machine learning perspective on the inverse indentation problem: uniqueness, surrogate modeling, and learning elasto-plastic properties from pile-up
Q Jiao, Y Chen, J Kim, CF Han, CH Chang, JJ Vlassak
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 185, 105557, 2024
Characterization of viscoelastic behavior of poly (dimethylsiloxane) by nanoindentation
J Kim, J Lee, W Kim, J Kim, SK Kang, D Kwon
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials 57 (5), 289-294, 2019
A finite element simulation for induction heat treatment of automotive drive shaft
S Park, DW Kim, J Kim, SY Lee, D Kwon, HN Han
ISIJ International 60 (6), 1333-1341, 2020
Elastic Modulus Prediction from Indentation Using Machine Learning: Considering Tip Geometric Imperfection
J Kim, DY Kim, J Lee, SW Kwon, J Kim, SK Kang, S Hong, YC Kim
Metals and Materials International 30 (9), 2440-2449, 2024
Ultralight and ultra-stiff nano-cardboard panels: mechanical analysis, characterization, and design principles
J Kim, L Jin, BC Schafer, Q Jiao, K Bertoldi, DW Keith, JJ Vlassak
Acta Materialia 248, 118782, 2023
Towards photophoretically levitating macroscopic sensors in the stratosphere
B Schafer, J Vlassak, D Keith, J Kim
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, IN36A-04, 2022
Effect of post-weld heat treatment conditions on mechanical properties, microstructures and nonductile fracture behavior of SA508 Gr. 1a thick weldments
J Lee, JS Kim, B Lee, S Cho, D Kwon, J Kim
Metals and Materials International 27, 4700-4709, 2021
Compressive properties of nanoporous gold through nanoindentation: an analytical approach based on the expanding cavity model
OM Kwon, J Kim, J Lee, J Kim, HJ Ahn, JY Kim, YC Kim, D Kwon
Metals and Materials International 27, 3787-3795, 2021
Effects of the Surface Contact on the Uncertainty in Indentation Yield Strength: Surface Roughness and Angular Misalignment
OM Kwon, J Won, J Kim, C Cho, E Jeon, D Kwon
Metals and Materials International 25, 1500-1510, 2019
Fracture characteristics of Frit bonding through in-situ nano-indentation testing
WJ Jo, HJ Ahn, JH Kim, D Kwon
Journal of materials science & technology 32 (11), 1204-1210, 2016
Evaluation of anisotropy of yield stress using surface in-plane displacements around an indentation residual imprint
J Lee, OM Kwon, K Lee, KI Kim, SH Kim, YC Kim, D Kwon, J Kim, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 145220, 2023
A further study on knoop indentation plastic deformation for evaluating residual stress
W Kim, K Lee, J Kim, YC Kim, D Kwon
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials 58 (8), 515-521, 2020
Structure Assessment Using Instrumented Indentation: Strength, Toughness and Residual Stress
D Kwon, JH Kim, O Kwon, W Kim, S Choi, S Choi, KH Kim, D Ro
International Pipeline Conference 51869, V001T03A010, 2018
Equivalent-Volume Model: Estimating Contact Morphology of Spherical Indentation for Metallic Materials
J Kim, OM Kwon, J Lee, HJ Son, YC Kim, SK Kang
Metals and Materials International 30 (3), 714-725, 2024
Estimation of Stress-Free State From Hardness Ratio for Evaluation of Residual Stress Using Instrumented Indentation Testing (IIT)
JH Kim, HJ Ahn, SW Jeon, JS Lee, MJ Choi, KH Kim, D Ro, D Kwon
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57007, V06BT06A064, 2015
Stress-corrosion cracking of polypropylene in harsh oxidizing environments
J Kim, WS Song, Q Jiao, JJ Vlassak
Extreme Mechanics Letters 64, 102080, 2023
Relaxation of Exemption Requirement of PWHT for SA-508 Grade 1A, by Consideration Surface Welding Residual Stress As Evaluated by Instrumented Indentation Testing Method
J Kim, JS Lee, S Choi, J Kim, D Kwon
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57915, V01BT01A019, 2017
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Articles 1–20