Mohamed M. Morsy
Mohamed M. Morsy
Associate Professor, Cairo University
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Cited by
Modeling urban coastal flood severity from crowd-sourced flood reports using Poisson regression and Random Forest
JM Sadler, JL Goodall, MM Morsy, K Spencer
Journal of hydrology 559, 43-55, 2018
Flood risk assessment and increased resilience for coastal urban watersheds under the combined impact of storm tide and heavy rainfall
Y Shen, MM Morsy, C Huxley, N Tahvildari, JL Goodall
Journal of Hydrology 579, 124159, 2019
Forecasting groundwater table in a flood prone coastal city with long short-term memory and recurrent neural networks
BD Bowes, JM Sadler, MM Morsy, M Behl, JL Goodall
Water 11 (5), 1098, 2019
Training machine learning surrogate models from a high‐fidelity physics‐based model: Application for real‐time street‐scale flood prediction in an urban coastal community
FT Zahura, JL Goodall, JM Sadler, Y Shen, MM Morsy, M Behl
Water Resources Research 56 (10), e2019WR027038, 2020
Hydroshare: Sharing diverse environmental data types and models as social objects with application to the hydrology domain
JS Horsburgh, MM Morsy, AM Castronova, JL Goodall, T Gan, H Yi, ...
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (4), 873-889, 2016
Leveraging open source software and parallel computing for model predictive control of urban drainage systems using EPA-SWMM5
JM Sadler, JL Goodall, M Behl, MM Morsy, TB Culver, BD Bowes
Environmental Modelling & Software 120, 104484, 2019
Exploring real-time control of stormwater systems for mitigating flood risk due to sea level rise
JM Sadler, JL Goodall, M Behl, BD Bowes, MM Morsy
Journal of Hydrology 583, 124571, 2020
Design of a metadata framework for environmental models with an example hydrologic application in HydroShare
MM Morsy, JL Goodall, AM Castronova, P Dash, V Merwade, JM Sadler, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 93, 13-28, 2017
A cloud-based flood warning system for forecasting impacts to transportation infrastructure systems
MM Morsy, JL Goodall, GL O'Neil, JM Sadler, D Voce, G Hassan, ...
Environmental modelling & software 107, 231-244, 2018
Distributed stormwater controls for flood mitigation within urbanized watersheds: case study of Rocky Branch watershed in Columbia, South Carolina
MM Morsy, JL Goodall, FM Shatnawi, ME Meadows
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21 (11), 05016025, 2016
A taxonomy for reproducible and replicable research in environmental modelling
BT Essawy, JL Goodall, D Voce, MM Morsy, JM Sadler, YD Choi, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 134, 104753, 2020
Integrating scientific cyberinfrastructures to improve reproducibility in computational hydrology: Example for HydroShare and GeoTrust
BT Essawy, JL Goodall, W Zell, D Voce, MM Morsy, J Sadler, Z Yuan, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 105, 217-229, 2018
Estimating potential climate change effects on the upper neuse watershed water balance using the SWAT model
MB Ercan, I Maghami, BD Bowes, MM Morsy, JL Goodall
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 56 (1), 53-67, 2020
Dynamic modeling of inland flooding and storm surge on coastal cities under climate change scenarios: Transportation infrastructure impacts in Norfolk, Virginia USA as a case study
Y Shen, N Tahvildari, MM Morsy, C Huxley, TD Chen, JL Goodall
Geosciences 12 (6), 224, 2022
Quantification of compound flooding over roadway network during extreme events for planning emergency operations
N Tahvildari, M Abi Aad, A Sahu, Y Shen, M Morsy, P Murray-Tuite, ...
Natural Hazards Review 23 (2), 04021067, 2022
Forecasting Groundwater Table in a Flood Prone Coastal City with Long Short-Term Memory and Recurrent Neural Networks, Water, 11, 1098
BD Bowes, JM Sadler, MM Morsy, M Behl, JL Goodall
Assessment of implementing land use/land cover lulc 2020-esri global maps in 2d flood modeling application
M Soliman, MM Morsy, HG Radwan
Water 14 (23), 3963, 2022
Exploring the complementary relationship between solar and hydro energy harvesting for self-powered water monitoring in low-light conditions
I Maghami, VAL Sobral, MM Morsy, JC Lach, JL Goodall
Environmental Modelling & Software 140, 105032, 2021
Impact of geospatial data enhancements for regional-scale 2D hydrodynamic flood modeling: Case study for the coastal plain of Virginia
MM Morsy, NR Lerma, Y Shen, JL Goodall, C Huxley, JM Sadler, D Voce, ...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 26 (4), 05021002, 2021
Metadata for describing water models
MM Morsy, JL Goodall, C Bandaragoda, AM Castronova, J Greenberg
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Articles 1–20