Ditdit Nugeraha Utama
Ditdit Nugeraha Utama
Assoc. Prof., Master of Computer Science, Binus University
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Sistem Penunjang Keputusan: Filosofi Teori dan Implementasi
DN Utama
Garudhawaca, 2017
Evaluation model for the implementation of information technology service management using fuzzy ITIL
R Yandri, DN Utama, A Zahra
Procedia computer science 157, 290-297, 2019
Teknik dan analisis pengambilan keputusan fuzzy dalam manajemen rantai pasok
DT Marimin, HS Suharjito, DN Utama, R Astuti, S Martini
Bogor: Percetakan IPB, 2013
Systematic literature review on decision-making of requirement engineering from agile software development
RP Ghozali, H Saputra, MA Nuriawan, DN Utama, A Nugroho
Procedia Computer Science 157, 274-281, 2019
Model Fuzzy Tahani untuk Pemodelan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK)
L Amalia, ZB Fananie, DN Utama
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2010
Decision support model for employee recruitment using data mining classification
CEA Pah, DN Utama
International Journal 8 (5), 1511-1516, 2020
Five stages of database forensic analysis: A systematic literature review
R Bria, A Retnowardhani, DN Utama
2018 international conference on information management and technology …, 2018
Logika Fuzzy untuk model penunjang keputusan
DN Utama
Garudhawaca, 2021
Integration of ITIL V3, ISO 20000 & iso 27001: 2013forit services and security management system
B Al Faruq, HR Herlianto, SH Simbolon, DN Utama, A Wibowo
International Journal 9 (3), 2020
Intelligent decision support model for recommending restaurant
M Hartanto, DN Utama
Cogent Engineering 7 (1), 1763888, 2020
Development of bank’s customer segmentation model based on rfm+ b approach
U Firdaus, D Utama
Int. J. Innov. Comput. Inf. Cont 12 (1), 17-26, 2021
Fuzzy Tsukamoto based decision support model for purchase decision in pharmacy company
GK Ramadhan, DN Utama
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng 8 (4), 2277-3878, 2019
F-multicriteria based decision support system for road repair and maintenance (case study: three areas in Tangerang Selatan, Province Banten, Indonesia)
DN Utama, MD Saputra, LN Wafiroh, MAA Putra, P Lestari
International Journal of Management and Applied Science 2 (10), 171-175, 2016
Real-time oil palm fruit grading system using smartphone and modified YOLOv4
M Asrol, DN Utama, FA Junior
IEEE Access 11, 59758-59773, 2023
Worth eat: An intelligent application for restaurant recommendation based on customer preference (Case study: Five types of restaurant in Tangerang Selatan region, Indonesia)
DN Utama, LI Lazuardi, HA Qadrya, BM Caroline, T Renanda, AP Sari
2017 5th international conference on information and communication …, 2017
A water flow algorithm based optimization model for road traffic engineering
DN Utama, FA Zaki, IJ Munjeri, NU Putri
2016 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information …, 2016
FWFA optimization based decision support system for road traffic engineering
DN Utama, FA Zaki, IJ Munjeri, NU Putri
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 801 (1), 012016, 2017
Fuzzy logic for simply prioritizing information in academic information system
DN Utama, U Taryana
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 1594-1602, 2019
The Optimization of the 3-d structure of plants, using functional-structural plant models. case study of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Indonesia
DN Utama
Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2015
Fuzzy decision support model for human resources performance appraisal
DN Utama, E Rustamaji
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2018
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Articles 1–20