Baabak Ashuri
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Cited by
Risk-neutral pricing approach for evaluating BOT highway projects with government minimum revenue guarantee options
B Ashuri, H Kashani, KR Molenaar, S Lee, J Lu
Journal of construction engineering and management 138 (4), 545-557, 2012
An overview of the benefits and risk factors of going green in existing buildings
B Ashuri, A Durmus-Pedini
International Journal of Facility Management 1 (1), 2010
Time series analysis of ENR construction cost index
B Ashuri, J Lu
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 136 (11), 1227-1237, 2010
A novel method for forecasting time series based on fuzzy logic and visibility graph
R Zhang, B Ashuri, Y Deng
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 11, 759-783, 2017
Forecasting Engineering News-Record Construction Cost Index Using Multivariate Time Series Models
SM Shahandashti, B Ashuri
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 139 (9), 1237-1243, 2013
Safety management in construction: 20 years of risk modeling
M Alkaissy, M Arashpour, B Ashuri, Y Bai, R Hosseini
Safety science 129, 104805, 2020
Highway construction cost forecasting using vector error correction models
SM Shahandashti, B Ashuri
Journal of management in engineering 32 (2), 04015040, 2016
BIM log mining: Discovering social networks
L Zhang, B Ashuri
Automation in construction 91, 31-43, 2018
Discovering worst fire scenarios in subway stations: A simulation approach
L Zhang, X Wu, M Liu, W Liu, B Ashuri
Automation in Construction 99, 183-196, 2019
Embodied Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) comparison of residential building retrofit measures in Atlanta
A Shirazi, B Ashuri
Building and Environment 171, 106644, 2020
Empirical tests for identifying leading indicators of ENR construction cost index
B Ashuri, SM Shahandashti, J Lu
Construction Management and Economics 30 (11), 917-927, 2012
Application of natural language processing and text mining to identify patterns in construction-defect litigation cases
Y Jallan, E Brogan, B Ashuri, CM Clevenger
Journal of legal affairs and dispute resolution in engineering and …, 2019
Fuzzy enabled hybrid genetic algorithm–particle swarm optimization approach to solve TCRO problems in construction project planning
B Ashuri, M Tavakolan
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 138 (9), 1065-1074, 2012
Prediction of unit price bids of resurfacing highway projects through ensemble machine learning
Y Cao, B Ashuri, M Baek
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 32 (5), 04018043, 2018
BIM log mining: measuring design productivity
L Zhang, M Wen, B Ashuri
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 32 (1), 04017071, 2018
Shuffled frog-leaping model for solving time-cost-resource optimization problems in construction project planning
B Ashuri, M Tavakolan
Journal of computing in civil engineering 29 (1), 04014026, 2015
Predicting the volatility of highway construction cost index using long short-term memory
Y Cao, B Ashuri
Journal of Management in Engineering 36 (4), 04020020, 2020
Valuation of energy efficient certificates in buildings
L Zhang, Y Li, R Stephenson, B Ashuri
Energy and buildings 158, 1226-1240, 2018
Time-series analysis for forecasting asphalt-cement price
M Ilbeigi, B Ashuri, A Joukar
Journal of Management in Engineering 33 (1), 04016030, 2017
Financial valuation of investments in international construction markets: Real-options approach for market-entry decisions
DY Kim, B Ashuri, SH Han
Journal of Management in Engineering 29 (4), 355-368, 2013
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Articles 1–20