Kyungnam Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Real-time foreground–background segmentation using codebook model
K Kim, TH Chalidabhongse, D Harwood, L Davis
Real-time imaging 11 (3), 172-185, 2005
Face recognition using principle component analysis
K Kim
Technical report, 2002
Image to image translation for domain adaptation
Z Murez, S Kolouri, D Kriegman, R Ramamoorthi, K Kim
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Background modeling and subtraction by codebook construction
K Kim, TH Chalidabhongse, D Harwood, L Davis
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 5, 3061-3064, 2004
Multi-camera tracking and segmentation of occluded people on ground plane using search-guided particle filtering
K Kim, LS Davis
Computer Vision–ECCV 2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz …, 2006
Deep transfer learning for few-shot SAR image classification
M Rostami, S Kolouri, E Eaton, K Kim
Remote Sensing 11 (11), 1374, 2019
Vision-based eye-gaze tracking for human computer interface
KN Kim, RS Ramakrishna
IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on …, 1999
System and method to combine multiple video streams
G Egnal, R Feldman, B Gintz, K Kim, RG Palmer Jr, B Wilburn
US Patent 8,369,399, 2013
Rapid object detection by combining structural information from image segmentation with bio-inspired attentional mechanisms
L Zhang, SY Cheng, Y Chen, AL Honda, K Kim, D Khosla, CS Jeong
US Patent 9,147,255, 2015
Robust static and moving object detection system via attentional mechanisms
AL Honda, D Khosla, Y Chen, K Kim, SY Cheng, L Zhang, CS Jeong
US Patent 9,317,776, 2016
A perturbation method for evaluating background subtraction algorithms
TH Chalidabhongse, K Kim, D Harwood, L Davis
Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance …, 2003
Vision-based multi-camera factory monitoring with dynamic integrity scoring
JW Wells, K Kim, S Medasani, Y Owechko
US Patent 9,251,598, 2016
Vision system for monitoring humans in dynamic environments
JW Wells, RJ Menassa, IICW Wampler, S Medasani, Y Owechko, K Kim, ...
US Patent 8,253,792, 2012
Sar image classification using few-shot cross-domain transfer learning
M Rostami, S Kolouri, E Eaton, K Kim
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Background updating for visual surveillance
K Kim, D Harwood, LS Davis
International symposium on visual computing, 337-346, 2005
System and method to improve object tracking using tracking fingerprints
K Kim, C Jeong, TN Mundhenk, Y Owechko
US Patent 9,940,726, 2018
Method for object localization and pose estimation for an object of interest
S Medasani, J Meltzer, J Xu, Z Chen, RN Sundareswara, DW Payton, ...
US Patent 9,875,427, 2018
Zero shot learning via multi-scale manifold regularization
S Deutsch, S Kolouri, K Kim, Y Owechko, S Soatto
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Vision based monitoring system for activity sequency validation
JW Wells, S Medasani, Y Owechko, K Kim, IICW Wampler, ...
US Patent App. 14/249,384, 2015
Backfilling clouds of 3D coordinates
TN Mundhenk, Y Owechko, K Kim
US Patent 9,772,405, 2017
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Articles 1–20