Harry Gustavo Saavedra Espinoza
Harry Gustavo Saavedra Espinoza
Profesor de Bioingeniería UTEC, Perú
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Cited by
Dynamic allostery can drive cold adaptation in enzymes
HG Saavedra, JO Wrabl, JA Anderson, J Li, VJ Hilser
Nature 558 (7709), 324-328, 2018
Bilirubin links heme metabolism to neuroprotection by scavenging superoxide
C Vasavda, R Kothari, AP Malla, R Tokhunts, A Lin, M Ji, C Ricco, R Xu, ...
Cell chemical biology 26 (10), 1450-1460. e7, 2019
Genetically tunable frustration controls allostery in an intrinsically disordered transcription factor
J Li, JT White, H Saavedra, JO Wrabl, HN Motlagh, K Liu, J Sowers, ...
Elife 6, e30688, 2017
Structural insight into the inactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis non-classical transpeptidase LdtMt2 by biapenem and tebipenem
MA Bianchet, YH Pan, LAB Basta, H Saavedra, EP Lloyd, P Kumar, ...
BMC biochemistry 18, 1-14, 2017
Nudt19 is a renal CoA diphosphohydrolase with biochemical and regulatory properties that are distinct from the hepatic Nudt7 isoform
SA Shumar, EW Kerr, WJ Geldenhuys, GE Montgomery, P Fagone, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (11), 4134-4148, 2018
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA) and variants with truncated C-terminal end show absence of interaction with pyrazinoic acid
K Vallejos-Sánchez, JM Lopez, R Antiparra, E Toscano, H Saavedra, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8356, 2020
Directional drillstring dynamics
FC Alamo, HI Weber, HS Espinoza
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and …, 2006
Serine Racemase is a Cysteine Racemase and Physiologic Down Regulator of Insulin Promoter Methylation
R Roychaudhuri, MM Gadalla, L Albacarys, T West, H Saavedra, M Amzel, ...
Mammalian D-Cysteine is a Physiologic Down Regulator of Insulin Promoter Methylation
R Roychaudhuri, MM Gadalla, L Albacarys, T West, H Saavedra, M Amzel, ...
Available at SSRN 3908781, 2021
Correction: Genetically tunable frustration controls allostery in an intrinsically disordered transcription factor
J Li, JT White, H Saavedra, JO Wrabl, HN Motlagh, K Liu, J Sowers, ...
Elife 7, e35768, 2018
Biophysical Investigations of Allostery in E. coli Adenylate Kinase Using Entropy Enhancing Mutations
HG Saavedra Espinoza
Johns Hopkins University, 2015
Análisis modal de la hélice terminal C de la subunidad gamma en la enzima ATP
HGS Espinoza, AC Matutti
TECNIA 16 (1), 51-55, 2006
Análisis modal de la hélice terminal C de la subunidad gamma en la enzima ATP
HG Saavedra Espinoza, A Coronado Matutti
Modal analysis of the C-terminal helix of the gamma subunit in the ATP enzyme
HG Saavedra Espinoza, A Coronado Matutti
Análisis modal de la hélice terminal C de la subunidad gamma en la enzima ATP
A Coronado Matutti, HG Saavedra Espinoza
Análisis y optimización del diseño estructural de una nave pórtico de 3000 m2 utilizando el método LRFD y SAP 2000
HG Saavedra Espinoza
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Articles 1–16