Otavio Brustolini
Otavio Brustolini
Especialista em arquitetura de software em Bioinfomratica, Laboratório de Computação Científica
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Genomic characterization of a novel SARS-CoV-2 lineage from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
CM Voloch, R da Silva Francisco Jr, LGP de Almeida, CC Cardoso, ...
Journal of virology 95 (10), 10.1128/jvi. 00119-21, 2021
NIK1-mediated translation suppression functions as a plant antiviral immunity mechanism
C Zorzatto, JPB Machado, KVG Lopes, KJT Nascimento, WA Pereira, ...
Nature 520 (7549), 679-682, 2015
The tomato RLK superfamily: phylogeny and functional predictions about the role of the LRRII-RLK subfamily in antiviral defense
T Sakamoto, M Deguchi, OJB Brustolini, AA Santos, FF Silva, EPB Fontes
BMC plant biology 12, 1-18, 2012
The receptor-like kinase NIK1 targets FLS2/BAK1 immune complex and inversely modulates antiviral and antibacterial immunity
B Li, MA Ferreira, M Huang, LF Camargos, X Yu, RM Teixeira, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4996, 2019
The endoplasmic reticulum binding protein BiP displays dual function in modulating cell death events
HH Carvalho, PA Silva, GC Mendes, OJB Brustolini, MR Pimenta, ...
Plant physiology 164 (2), 654-670, 2014
Intra-host evolution during SARS-CoV-2 prolonged infection
CM Voloch, R da Silva Francisco Jr, LGP De Almeida, OJ Brustolini, ...
Virus Evolution 7 (2), veab078, 2021
Sustained NIK‐mediated antiviral signalling confers broad‐spectrum tolerance to begomoviruses in cultivated plants
OJB Brustolini, JPB Machado, JA Condori‐Apfata, D Coco, M Deguchi, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 13 (9), 1300-1311, 2015
The stress-induced soybean NAC transcription factor GmNAC81 plays a positive role in developmentally programmed leaf senescence
MR Pimenta, PA Silva, GC Mendes, JR Alves, HDN Caetano, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 57 (5), 1098-1114, 2016
Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 tracks early interstate transmission of P. 1 lineage and diversification within P. 2 clade in Brazil
AP Lamarca, LGP de Almeida, RS Francisco Jr, LFA Lima, KC Scortecci, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 15 (10), e0009835, 2021
Revisiting the soybean GmNAC superfamily
BP Melo, OT Fraga, JCF Silva, DO Ferreira, OJB Brustolini, PA Carpinetti, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1864, 2018
The molecular chaperone binding protein BiP prevents leaf dehydration-induced cellular homeostasis disruption
HH Carvalho, OJB Brustolini, MR Pimenta, GC Mendes, BC Gouveia, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e86661, 2014
Geminivirus data warehouse: a database enriched with machine learning approaches
JCF Silva, TFM Carvalho, MF Basso, M Deguchi, WA Pereira, ...
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-11, 2017
NIK1, a host factor specialized in antiviral defense or a novel general regulator of plant immunity?
JPB Machado, OJB Brustolini, GC Mendes, AA Santos, EPB Fontes
BioEssays 37 (11), 1236-1242, 2015
Genomic sequence of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus CCT 7735 (UFV-3), a highly lactose-fermenting yeast isolated from the Brazilian dairy industry
WB Silveira, RHS Diniz, ME Cerdán, MI González-Siso, RA Souza, ...
Genome announcements 2 (6), 10.1128/genomea. 01136-14, 2014
Comprehensive analysis of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in the soybean genome: conserved and plant-specific features
PA Silva, JCF Silva, HDN Caetano, JPB Machado, GC Mendes, PAB Reis, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-20, 2015
The regulation of the sulfur amino acid biosynthetic pathway in Cryptococcus neoformans: the relationship of Cys3, Calcineurin, and Gpp2 phosphatases
AT de Melo, KF Martho, TN Roberto, ES Nishiduka, J Machado Jr, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 11923, 2019
Genomic surveillance tracks the first community outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B. 1.617. 2) variant in Brazil
AP Lamarca, LGP de Almeida, R da Silva Francisco Jr, L Cavalcante, ...
Journal of virology 96 (2), e01228-21, 2022
Genomic growth curves of an outbred pig population
MDV Resende, GS Rocha, DAS Duarte, PS Lopes, OJB Brustolini, S Thus, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 36, 520-527, 2013
Soybean chlorotic spot virus, a novel begomovirus infecting soybean in Brazil
D Coco, IP Calil, OJB Brustolini, AA Santos, AK Inoue-Nagata, ...
Archives of Virology 158, 457-462, 2013
Turnover of SARS-CoV-2 lineages shaped the pandemic and enabled the emergence of new variants in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
R da Silva Francisco Junior, AP Lamarca, LGP de Almeida, L Cavalcante, ...
Viruses 13 (10), 2013, 2021
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