Dimitrios Fanourakis
Dimitrios Fanourakis
Assistant Professor
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Cited by
Co-ordination of hydraulic and stomatal conductances across light qualities in cucumber leaves
A Savvides, D Fanourakis, W van Ieperen
Journal of experimental botany 63 (3), 1135-1143, 2012
Sources of Vase life Variation in Cut Roses: A review
D Fanourakis, R Pieruschka, A Savvides, AJ Macnish, V Sarlikioti, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 78, 1-15, 2013
Pore size regulates operating stomatal conductance, while stomatal densities drive the partitioning of conductance between leaf sides
D Fanourakis, H Giday, R Milla, R Pieruschka, KH Kjaer, M Bolger, ...
Annals of botany 115 (4), 555-565, 2015
A comprehensive analysis of the physiological and anatomical components involved in higher water loss rates after leaf development at high humidity
D Fanourakis, E Heuvelink, SMP Carvalho
Journal of Plant Physiology 170 (10), 890-898, 2013
Morphological and physiological properties of indoor cultivated lettuce in response to additional far-red light
J Zou, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Bian, D Fanourakis, Q Yang, T Li
Scientia Horticulturae 257, 108725, 2019
Smaller stomata require less severe leaf drying to close: a case study in Rosa hydrida
H Giday, KH Kjaer, D Fanourakis, CO Ottosen
Journal of Plant Physiology 170 (15), 1309-1316, 2013
HyperART: non-invasive quantification of leaf traits using hyperspectral absorption-reflectance-transmittance imaging
S Bergsträsser, D Fanourakis, S Schmittgen, MP Cendrero-Mateo, ...
Plant methods 11, 1-17, 2015
Postharvest water relations in cut rose cultivars with contrasting sensitivity to high relative air humidity during growth
D Fanourakis, SMP Carvalho, DPF Almeida, O van Kooten, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 64 (1), 64-73, 2012
Avoiding high relative air humidity during critical stages of leaf ontogeny is decisive for stomatal functioning
D Fanourakis, SMP Carvalho, DPF Almeida, E Heuvelink
Physiologia Plantarum 142 (3), 274-286, 2011
Stomatal behavior following mid-or long-term exposure to high relative air humidity: A review
D Fanourakis, S Aliniaeifard, A Sellin, H Giday, O Körner, AR Nejad, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 153, 92-105, 2020
Monochromatic red light during plant growth decreases the size and improves the functionality of stomata in chrysanthemum
M Seif, S Aliniaeifard, M Arab, MZ Mehrjerdi, A Shomali, D Fanourakis, ...
Functional Plant Biology 48 (5), 515-528, 2021
Improving stomatal functioning at elevated growth air humidity: a review
D Fanourakis, D Bouranis, H Giday, DRA Carvalho, AR Nejad, ...
Journal of Plant Physiology 207, 51-60, 2016
Threshold response of stomatal closing ability to leaf abscisic acid concentration during growth
H Giday, D Fanourakis, KH Kjaer, IS Fomsgaard, CO Ottosen
Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (15), 4361-4370, 2014
Morphological and physiological components mediating the silicon-induced enhancement of geranium essential oil yield under saline conditions
F Hassanvand, AR Nejad, D Fanourakis
Industrial Crops and Products 134, 19-25, 2019
The genetic architecture of photosynthesis and plant growth‐related traits in tomato
FM de Oliveira Silva, G Lichtenstein, S Alseekh, L Rosado‐Souza, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (2), 327-341, 2018
Low UVA intensity during cultivation improves the lettuce shelf-life, an effect that is not sustained at higher intensity
Y Chen, D Fanourakis, G Tsaniklidis, S Aliniaeifard, Q Yang, T Li
Postharvest Biology and Technology 172, 111376, 2021
Hydrogel regulation of xylem water flow: an alternative hypothesis
WG van Doorn, T Hiemstra, D Fanourakis
Plant Physiology 157 (4), 1642-1649, 2011
Automated grapevine cultivar identification via leaf imaging and deep convolutional neural networks: a proof-of-concept study employing primary iranian varieties
A Nasiri, A Taheri-Garavand, D Fanourakis, YD Zhang, N Nikoloudakis
Plants 10 (8), 1628, 2021
Automated in situ seed variety identification via deep learning: a case study in chickpea
A Taheri-Garavand, A Nasiri, D Fanourakis, S Fatahi, M Omid, ...
Plants 10 (7), 1406, 2021
Rapid determination of leaf area and plant height by using light curtain arrays in four species with contrasting shoot architecture
D Fanourakis, C Briese, JFJ Max, S Kleinen, A Putz, F Fiorani, A Ulbrich, ...
Plant Methods 10, 1-11, 2014
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Articles 1–20