Articles with public access mandates - Laura CattaneoLearn more
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Teaching design in Europe: Challenges and trends
C Pinna, L Cattaneo, M Rossi, CD Era, S Terzi, A Pestarino, A Vignati
2018 IEEE international conference on engineering, technology and innovation …, 2018
Mandates: European Commission
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A computational model of drug delivery through microcirculation to compare different tumor treatments
L Cattaneo, P Zunino
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 30 (11 …, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
A digital twin-based scheduling framework including equipment health index and genetic algorithms
E Negri, HD Ardakani, L Cattaneo, J Singh, M Macchi, J Lee
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (10), 43-48, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Lean thinking in the digital era
L Cattaneo, M Rossi, E Negri, D Powell, S Terzi
Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future: 14th IFIP WG 5 …, 2017
Mandates: Research Council of Norway
Stabilized extended finite elements for the approximation of saddle point problems with unfitted interfaces
L Cattaneo, L Formaggia, GF Iori, A Scotti, P Zunino
Calcolo 52, 123-152, 2015
Mandates: European Commission, Government of Italy
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