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Cited by
Plasma polymerization of acrylic acid by atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasma jet for biomedical applications
O Carton, D Ben Salem, S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, F Arefi‐Khonsari
Plasma Processes and Polymers 9 (10), 984-993, 2012
Low and atmospheric plasma polymerisation of nanocoatings for bio-applications
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, F Arefi-Khonsari
Surface Innovations 3 (2), 63-83, 2015
Catalyst-free plasma-assisted copolymerization of poly (ε-caprolactone)-poly (ethylene glycol) for biomedical applications
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, M Mirshahi, F Arefi-Khonsari
ACS Macro Letters 1 (6), 764-767, 2012
Nanostructure protein repellant amphiphilic copolymer coatings with optimized surface energy by inductively excited low pressure plasma
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, G Ceccone, P Lisboa, F Rossi, V Kumar, ...
Langmuir 27 (23), 14570-14580, 2011
Plasma Co-polymerized Nano Coatings - As a Biodegradable Solid Carrier for Tunable Drug Delivery Applications
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, M Mirshahi, F Arefi-Khonsari
Polymer 54 (18), 4820–4829, 2013
Efficacy of low-temperature plasma activated gas disinfection against biofilm on contaminated GI endoscope channels
S Bhatt, P Mehta, C Chen, CL Schneider, LN White, HL Chen, MG Kong
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, S0016-5107(18)32929-8., 2018
Trident cold atmospheric plasma blocks three cancer survival pathways to overcome therapy resistance
B Guo, AD Pomicter, F Li, S Bhatt, C Chen, W Li, M Qi, C Huang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (51), e2107220118, 2021
Biosensor based on laccase immobilized on plasma polymerized allylamine/carbon electrode
M Ardhaoui, S Bhatt, M Zheng, D Dowling, C Jolivalt, F Arefi Khonsari
Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (6), 3197-3205, 2013
Design of calcium phosphate scaffolds with controlled simvastatin release by plasma polymerisation
C Canal, K Khurana, S Gallinetti, S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, F Arefi-Khonsari, ...
Polymer 92, 170-178, 2016
Cell Repellent Coatings Developed by an Open Air Atmospheric Pressure Non‐Equilibrium Argon Plasma Jet for Biomedical Applications
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, S Mori, M Mirshahi, F Arefi‐Khonsari
Plasma Processes and Polymers 11 (1), 24-36, 2014
Cell Resistant Peptidomimetic Poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) Coatings Developed by Low Pressure Inductively Excited Pulsed Plasma Polymerization for Biomedical Purpose
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, M Mirshahi, F Arefi-Khonsari
Plasma Processes and Polymers 12 (6), 519-532, 2015
Nano thick poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol) coatings developed by catalyst-free plasma assisted copolymerization process for biomedical applications
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, M Mirshahi, F Arefi-Khonsari
RSC Advances 2 (24), 9114–9123, 2012
State of the art in nonthermal plasma processing for biomedical applications: Can it help fight viral pandemics like COVID‐19?
N Misra, S Bhatt, F Arefi‐Khonsari, V Kumar
Plasma Processes and Polymers 18 (7), 2000215, 2021
Radio-Frequency Plasma Polymerized Biodegradable Carrier for In vivo Release of Cis-platinum
S Bhatt, F Valamanesh, J Pulpytel, RL Dico, A Baiyukha, I Aldybiat, ...
Oncotarget 7 (36), 58121-58132, 2016
Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Gas Plasma-Activated Catheter Lock Solution.
S Bhatt, P Mehta, C Chen, DA Daines, LA Mermel, HL Chen, MG Kong
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 62 (8), e00744-18, 2018
Evaluation of cold atmospheric plasma for the decontamination of flexible endoscopes
RC Hervé, MG Kong, S Bhatt, HL Chen, EE Comoy, JP Deslys, TJ Secker, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 136, 100-109, 2023
Low power density multihole cathode very-high-frequency plasma for mixed phase Si:H thin films
C Jariwala, A Chainani, R Eguchi, M Matsunami, S Shin, S Bhatt, V Dalal, ...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93 (19), 191502-191502.3, 2008
Porous silicon & titanium dioxide coatings prepared by atmospheric pressure plasma jet chemical vapour deposition technique-a novel coating technology for photovoltaic modules
S Bhatt, J Pulpytel, F Krcma, V Mazankova, F Arefi-Khonsari
Видавництво СумДУ, 2011
Poly (ε-caprolactone)–poly (ethylene glycol) coatings deposited by catalyst free PECVD reactor for biological applications
A Baitukha, F Arefi-Khonsari, S Bhatt, M Mirshahi, J Pulpytel
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Antwerp …, 2015
Nanometric thick copolymers elaborated by low and atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas for biomedical applications
S Bhatt
Paris 6, 2013
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Articles 1–20