M. Ehteshami
M. Ehteshami
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Modeling of a sequencing batch reactor treating municipal wastewater using multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function artificial neural networks
M Bagheri, SA Mirbagheri, M Ehteshami, Z Bagheri
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 93, 111-123, 2015
Current Status and Future Prospects of Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) and Fouling Phenomena: A Systematic Review
H Hamedi, M Ehteshami, SA Mirbagheri, SA Rasouli, S Zendehboudi
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018
Optimization of Fenton process using response surface methodology and analytic hierarchy process for landfill leachate treatment
N Biglarijoo, SA Mirbagheri, M Ehteshami, SM Ghaznavi
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 104, 150-160, 2016
Assessment of groundwater quantity and quality and saltwater intrusion in the Damghan basin, Iran
M Ebrahimi, H Kazemi, M Ehtashemi, TD Rockaway
Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry 76 (2), 227–241, 2016
Application of artificial intelligence for the management of landfill leachate penetration into groundwater, and assessment of its environmental impacts
M Bagheri, A Bazvand, M Ehteshami
Cleaner Production, Elsevier 149 (1), 784-796, 2017
Quality assessment and artificial neural networks modeling for characterization of chemical and physical parameters of potable water
M Salari, ES Shahid, SH Afzali, M Ehteshami, GO Conti, Z Derakhshan, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 118, 212-219, 2018
Assessing pesticide contamination to groundwater: a rapid approach
M Ehteshami, RC Peralta, H Eisele, HM Deer, T Tindall
Journal of Ground Water 29 (6), 939, 1991
Determination of the optimal operating temperature range for high temperature PEM fuel cell considering its performance, CO tolerance and degradation
C Zhang, W Zhou, MM Ehteshami, Y Wang, SH Chan
Energy conversion and management 105, 433-441, 2015
Simulation of nitrate contamination in groundwater using artificial neural networks
M Ehteshami, ND Farahani, S Tavassoli
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2 (1), 1-10, 2016
Assessment of effective parameters in landfill leachate treatment and optimization of the process using neural network, genetic algorithm and response surface methodology
N Biglarijoo, SA Mirbagheri, M Bagheri, M Ehteshami
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2016
Isotherm and kinetic studies for the biosorption of cadmium from aqueous solution by Alhaji maurorum seed
A Ebrahimi, M Ehteshami, B Dahrazma
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 98, 374-382, 2015
Towards an understanding of the marine fouling effects on VIV of circular cylinders: Response of cylinders with regular pyramidal roughness
M Zeinoddini, A Bakhtiari, M Ehteshami, MS Seif
Applied Ocean Research (Elsevier) 59, 378-394, 2016
New deterministic tools to systematically investigate fouling occurrence in membrane bioreactors
H Hamedi, M Ehteshami, SA Mirbagheri, S Zendehboudi
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 144, 334-353, 2019
Fuzzy AHP approach for prioritizing electronic waste management options: a case study of Tehran, Iran
A Khoshand, K Rahimi, M Ehteshami, S Gharaei
Environmental science and pollution research 26, 9649-9660, 2019
Simulation, evaluation and prediction modeling of river water quality properties (case study: Ireland Rivers)
ES Salami, M Ehteshami
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12 (10), 3235-3242, 2015
Preparation of new biofungicides using antagonistic bacteria and mineral compounds for controlling cotton seedling damping-off disease
SS Ardakani, A Heydari, NA Khorasani, R Arjmandi, M Ehteshami
Journal of Plant Protection Research, 2009
Application of artificial neural networks and mathematical modeling for the prediction of water quality variables (case study: southwest of Iran)
ES Salami, M Salari, M Ehteshami, NT Bidokhti, H Ghadimi
Desalination and water treatment 57 (56), 27073-27084, 2016
Predictive deep learning for pitting corrosion modeling in buried transmission pipelines
B Akhlaghi, H Mesghali, M Ehteshami, J Mohammadpour, F Salehi, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 174, 320-327, 2023
Long‐term impacts from damming and water level manipulation on flow and salinity regimes in L ake U rmia, I ran
M Zeinoddini, A Bakhtiari, M Ehteshami
Water and Environment Journal 29 (1), 71-87, 2015
Performance evaluation and modeling of a submerged membrane bioreactor treating combined municipal and industrial wastewater using radial basis function artificial neural networks
SA Mirbagheri, M Bagheri, S Boudaghpour, M Ehteshami, Z Bagheri
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 13 (17), 1-15, 2015
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Articles 1–20