Chenda Liao
Chenda Liao
PhD, University of Florida
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Cited by
Agent-based and graphical modelling of building occupancy
C Liao, Y Lin, P Barooah
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 5 (1), 5-25, 2012
An integrated approach to occupancy modeling and estimation in commercial buildings
C Liao, P Barooah
Proceedings of the 2010 American control conference, 3130-3135, 2010
Identification of multi-zone building thermal interaction model from data
S Goyal, C Liao, P Barooah
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Distributed clock skew and offset estimation from relative measurements in mobile networks with Markovian switching topology
C Liao, P Barooah
Automatica 49 (10), 3015-3022, 2013
Effective adaptive virtual queue: a stabilising active queue management algorithm for improving responsiveness and robustness
H Wang, C Liao, Z Tian
IET communications 5 (1), 99-109, 2011
Experimental evaluation of occupancy-based energy-efficient climate control of VAV terminal units
J Brooks, S Goyal, R Subramany, Y Lin, C Liao, T Middelkoop, H Ingley, ...
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 21 (4), 469-480, 2015
Time-synchronization in mobile sensor networks from difference measurements
C Liao, P Barooah
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2118-2123, 2010
Two-degree-of-freedom congestion control strategy against time delay and disturbance
H Wang, W Wei, Y Li, C Liao, Y Qiao, Z Tian
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
A novel stochastic agent-based model of building occupancy
C Liao, P Barooah
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 2095-2100, 2011
Design of adaptive real queue control algorithm supporting TCP flows
H Wang, O Li, C Liao, Z Tian
IEEE Local Computer Network Conference, 300-303, 2010
Providing quality of service over time delay networks by efficient queue management
H Wang, C Liao, Z Tian
2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 275-278, 2011
Disync: Accurate distributed clock synchronization in mobile ad-hoc networks from noisy difference measurements
C Liao, P Barooah
2013 American Control Conference, 3332-3337, 2013
An algorithm for accurate distributed time synchronization in mobile wireless sensor networks from noisy difference measurements
C Liao, P Barooah
Asian Journal of Control 18 (6), 1983-1994, 2016
Accurate distributed time synchronization in mobile wireless sensor networks from noisy difference measurements
C Liao, P Barooah
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7888, 2014
An artificial intelligence approach to price design for improving AQM performance
H Wang, J Chen, C Liao, Z Tian
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-5, 2011
Distributed time synchronization from relative measurement in mobile wireless sensor networks
C Liao
University of Florida, 2013
Performance comparison of sensing systems for building occupancy measurement
R Subramany, C Liao, P Barooah
Energy Build Rev.< http://humdoi. mae. ufl. edu/prabirbarooah/PBpublication …, 0
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Articles 1–17