Neil Bassett
Neil Bassett
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Cited by
Characterizing the radio quiet region behind the lunar farside for low radio frequency experiments
N Bassett, D Rapetti, JO Burns, K Tauscher, R MacDowall
Advances in Space Research 66 (6), 1265-1275, 2020
Dark cosmology: investigating dark matter & exotic physics in the dark ages using the redshifted 21-cm global spectrum
JO Burns, S Bale, N Bassett, J Bowman, R Bradley, A Fialkov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06147, 2019
Low radio frequency observations from the Moon enabled by NASA landed payload missions
JO Burns, R MacDowall, S Bale, G Hallinan, N Bassett, A Hegedus
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (2), 44, 2021
Lost horizon: Quantifying the effect of local topography on global 21 cm cosmology data analysis
N Bassett, D Rapetti, K Tauscher, BD Nhan, DD Bordenave, JJ Hibbard, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 923 (1), 33, 2021
Global 21 cm signal extraction from foreground and instrumental effects. IV. Accounting for realistic instrument uncertainties and their overlap with foreground and signal models
K Tauscher, D Rapetti, BD Nhan, A Handy, N Bassett, J Hibbard, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 915 (1), 66, 2021
Constraining warm dark matter and population III stars with the global 21 cm signal
JJ Hibbard, J Mirocha, D Rapetti, N Bassett, JO Burns, K Tauscher
The Astrophysical Journal 929 (2), 151, 2022
LuSEE'Night': The Lunar Surface Electromagnetics Experiment
SD Bale, N Bassett, JO Burns, JD Jones, K Goetz, C Hellum-Bye, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10345, 2023
Ensuring Robustness in Training-set-based Global 21 cm Cosmology Analysis
N Bassett, D Rapetti, K Tauscher, JO Burns, JJ Hibbard
The Astrophysical Journal 908 (2), 189, 2021
The l= 2 spherical harmonic expansion coefficients of the sky brightness distribution between 0.5 and 7 MHz
B Page, N Bassett, A Lecacheux, M Pulupa, D Rapetti, SD Bale
Astronomy & Astrophysics 668, A127, 2022
Planetary science journal
JO Burns, R MacDowall, S Bale, G Hallinan, N Bassett, A Hegedus
Planetary Science Journal 2 (1), 44, 2021
Fitting and Comparing Galactic Foreground Models for Unbiased 21 cm Cosmology
JJ Hibbard, D Rapetti, JO Burns, N Mahesh, N Bassett
The Astrophysical Journal 959 (2), 103, 2023
Validating Posteriors Obtained by an Emulator When Jointly Fitting Mock Data of the Global 21 cm Signal and High-z Galaxy UV Luminosity Function
JD Jones, D Rapetti, J Mirocha, JJ Hibbard, JO Burns, N Bassett
The Astrophysical Journal 959 (1), 49, 2023
Constraining a Model of the Radio Sky below 6 MHz Using the Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS Instrument in Preparation for Upcoming Lunar-based Experiments
N Bassett, D Rapetti, BD Nhan, B Page, JO Burns, M Pulupa, SD Bale
The Astrophysical Journal 945 (2), 134, 2023
Robustly Analyzing the Low Radio Frequency Sky for Scheduled Observations from the Lunar Surface
D Rapetti, J Hibbard, N Bassett, J Burns
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 242, 315.07, 2023
Simulation and Analysis Methods for Low Frequency Cosmological Observations from the Moon
NPC Bassett
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2023
Radio Astrophysics from the Moon: Robustly Modeling Low Radio Frequency Observations to Constrain the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn
D Rapetti, N Bassett, J Hibbard, J Burns
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 55 (2), 104.29, 2023
Radio Astrophysics from the Moon: Preparing for Upcoming Lunar Radio Observations by Constraining Models of the Sky Below 10 MHz with Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS
J Burns, N Bassett, D Rapetti
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 55 (2), 104.28, 2023
Radio Astrophysics from the Moon: Utilizing a Global 21-cm Signal Emulator to More Efficiently Conduct Bayesian Parameter Estimation
J Dorigo Jones, N Bassett, D Rapetti, J Hibbard, J Mirocha, J Burns
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 55 (2), 104.26, 2023
Simulations and Analysis Methods for Low Radio Frequency Cosmological Observations from the Moon
N Bassett
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 55 (2), 215.03 D, 2023
Radio Astrophysics from the Moon: Constraining Galactic Foreground Maps with Low-Frequency Spectra; General Methods with EDGES Data as a Case Study
J Hibbard, D Rapetti, N Bassett, J Burns
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts 55 (2), 104.27, 2023
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Articles 1–20