Dr. Kakoli Banerjee
Dr. Kakoli Banerjee
Central University of Odisha
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Observed changes in water mass properties in the Indian Sundarbans (northwestern Bay of Bengal) during 1980–2007
A Mitra, A Gangopadhyay, A Dube, ACK Schmidt, K Banerjee
Current Science, 1445-1452, 2009
Standing biomass and carbon storage of above-ground structures in dominant mangrove trees in the Sundarbans
A Mitra, K Sengupta, K Banerjee
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (7), 1325-1335, 2011
Handbook of marine macroalgae: biotechnology and applied phycology
SK Kim
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Sensitivity of mangrove ecosystem to changing climate
A Mitra
Springer 62, 143-157pp, 2013
Basics of marine and estuarine ecology
A Mitra, S Zaman
Springer, 2016
Climate change impacts on Indian Sunderbans: a time series analysis (1924–2008)
A Raha, S Das, K Banerjee, A Mitra
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 1289-1307, 2012
Pulse of climate change in Indian Suindarbans: a myth or reality?
A Mitra, K Banerjee, K Sengupta, A Gangopadhyay
National Academy Science Letters (India) 32 (1), 19, 2009
Salinity based allometric equations for biomass estimation of Sundarban mangroves
K Banerjee, K Sengupta, A Raha, A Mitra
biomass and bioenergy 56, 382-391, 2013
Carbon sequestration by coastal floral community
A Mitra, S Zaman
Energy and Resources Institute, 2014
Influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on the mangrove soil of Indian Sundarbans wetland
K Banerjee, M Roy Chowdhury, K Sengupta, S Sett, A Mitra
Archives of Environmental Science 6, 80-91, 2012
Climate change-induced salinity variation impacts on a stenoecious mangrove species in the Indian Sundarbans
K Banerjee, RC Gatti, A Mitra
Ambio 46 (4), 492-499, 2017
Biochemical composition of marine macroalgae from Gangetic Delta at the apex of Bay of Bengal
K Banerjee, R Ghosh, S Homechaudhuri, A Mitra
African Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 1 (5-6), 96-104, 2009
Concentrations of some heavy metals in commercially important finfish and shellfish of the River Ganga
A Mitra, R Chowdhury, K Banerjee
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184, 2219-2230, 2012
Analysis of trace metals in commercially important crustaceans collected from UNESCO protected world heritage site of Indian Sundarbans
A Mitra, P Barua, S Zaman, K Banerjee
Turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 12 (1), 53-66, 2012
Interaction between the active components and support in the Co-Mo-Al2O3 system: II. The role of sodium and cobalt
P Ratnasamy, AV Ramaswamy, K Banerjee, DK Sharma, N Ray
Journal of Catalysis 38 (1-3), 19-32, 1975
Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of red seaweed (Catenella repens) from Gangetic delta, northeast coast of India
K Banerjee, R Ghosh, S Homechaudhuri, A Mitra
Journal of Earth System Science 118, 497-505, 2009
The other face of mangroves
A Mitra, K Banerjee, DP Bhattacharyya
Department of Environment, Govt. of West Bengal, India, 2004
Decadal Change in the Surface Water Salinity Profile of Indian Sundarbans: A Potential Indicator of Climate Change. J Marine Sci Res Development S11: 002. doi: 10.4172/2155 …
K Banerjee
J Marine Sci Res Development S 2 (3), 3, 2013
Changes of selected hydrological parameters in Hooghly estuary in response to a severe tropical cyclone (Aila)
A Mitra, P Halder, K Banerjee
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2011
Spatial and tidal variations of physico-chemical parameters in the lower Gangetic delta region, West Bengal, India
A Mitra, K Mondal, K Banerjee
Journal of Spatial Hydrology 11 (1), 52-69, 2011
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Articles 1–20