Dong Yeap Kang
Dong Yeap Kang
Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group, Institute for Basic Science
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Cited by
A width parameter useful for chordal and co-comparability graphs
DY Kang, O Kwon, TJF Strømme, JA Telle
Theoretical Computer Science 704, 1-17, 2017
A relative of Hadwiger's conjecture
K Edwards, DY Kang, J Kim, S Oum, P Seymour
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29 (4), 2385-2388, 2015
A proof of the Erdos–Faber–Lovász conjecture
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
Annals of Mathematics 198 (2), 537-618, 2023
On the rational Turán exponents conjecture
DY Kang, J Kim, H Liu
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 148, 149-172, 2021
Graph and hypergraph colouring via nibble methods: A survey
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
European Congress of Mathematics, 771-823, 2023
Thresholds for Latin squares and Steiner triple systems: Bounds within a logarithmic factor
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 376 (09), 6623-6662, 2023
Improper colouring of graphs with no odd clique minor
DY Kang, S Oum
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28 (5), 740-754, 2019
Perfect matchings in random sparsifications of Dirac hypergraphs
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, D Osthus, V Pfenninger
Combinatorica, 1-34, 2024
On the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem and the Bollobás theorem for t-intersecting families
DY Kang, J Kim, Y Kim
European Journal of Combinatorics 47, 68-74, 2015
New bounds on the size of nearly perfect matchings in almost regular hypergraphs
DY Kang, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 108 (5), 1701-1746, 2023
Sparse Spanning -Connected Subgraphs in Tournaments
DY Kang, J Kim, Y Kim, G Suh
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31 (3), 2206-2227, 2017
Hypergraph based Berge hypergraphs
M Balko, D Gerbner, DY Kang, Y Kim, C Palmer
Graphs and Combinatorics 38 (1), 11, 2022
On 1-factors with prescribed lengths in tournaments
DY Kang, J Kim
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 141, 31-71, 2020
Solution to a problem of Erdős on the chromatic index of hypergraphs with bounded codegree
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 129 (6), e70011, 2024
Random -adic matrices with fixed zero entries and the Cohen--Lenstra distribution
DY Kang, J Lee, M Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.01226, 2024
A proof of the Erdös-Faber-Lovász conjecture: Algorithmic aspects
DY Kang, T Kelly, D Kühn, A Methuku, D Osthus
2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS …, 2022
Graph decompositions and related extremal problems
DY Kang
한국과학기술원, 2020
Sparse highly connected spanning subgraphs in dense directed graphs
DY Kang
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28 (3), 423-464, 2019
Fragile minor-monotone parameters under random edge perturbation
DY Kang, M Kang, J Kim, S Oum
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09897, 2020
On the number of -matchings in a Tree
DY Kang, J Kim, Y Kim, HF Law
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (1), 2017
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Articles 1–20