Fredrik Johansson
Fredrik Johansson
Associate Professor, Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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Landslide susceptibility hazard map in southwest Sweden using artificial neural network
AA Shahri, J Spross, F Johansson, S Larsson
Catena 183, 104225, 2019
Shear strength of partially bonded concrete–rock interfaces for application in dam stability analyses
A Krounis, F Johansson, S Larsson
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49 (7), 2711-2722, 2016
When is the observational method in geotechnical engineering favourable?
J Spross, F Johansson
Structural safety 66, 17-26, 2017
A conceptual model for the peak shear strength of fresh and unweathered rock joints
F Johansson, H Stille
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 69, 31-38, 2014
Influence of scale and matedness on the peak shear strength of fresh, unweathered rock joints
F Johansson
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 82, 36-47, 2016
Investigation of research needs regarding the storage of hydrogen gas in lined rock caverns: Prestudy for Work Package 2.3 in HYBRIT Research Program 1
F Johansson, J Spross, D Damasceno, J Johansson, H Stille
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Shear strength of unfilled and rough rock joints in sliding stability analyses of concrete dams
F Johansson
KTH, 2009
Effects of spatial variation in cohesion over the concrete-rock interface on dam sliding stability
A Krounis, F Johansson, S Larsson
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (6), 659-667, 2015
System reliability of concrete dams with respect to foundation stability: Application to a spillway
M Westberg Wilde, F Johansson
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 139 (2), 308-319, 2013
Prediction of peak shear strength of natural, unfilled rock joints accounting for matedness based on measured aperture
F Ríos-Bayona, F Johansson, D Mas-Ivars
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54 (3), 1533-1550, 2021
Reliability aspects of rock tunnel design with the observational method
W Bjureland, J Spross, F Johansson, A Prästings, S Larsson
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 98, 102-110, 2017
Probability distributions of shotcrete parameters for reliability-based analyses of rock tunnel support
W Bjureland, F Johansson, A Sjölander, J Spross, S Larsson
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 87, 15-26, 2019
Updated relations for the uniaxial compressive strength of marlstones based on P-wave velocity and point load index test
A Abbaszadeh Shahri, S Larsson, F Johansson
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 1, 1-7, 2016
Influence of location of large-scale asperity on shear strength of concrete-rock interface under eccentric load
D Bista, G Sas, F Johansson, L Lia
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12 (3), 449-460, 2020
Rock mass response for lined rock caverns subjected to high internal gas pressure
DR Damasceno, J Spross, F Johansson
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (1), 119-129, 2023
Using observational method to manage safety aspects of remedial grouting of concrete dam foundations
J Spross, F Johansson, LKT Uotinen, JY Rafi
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 34 (5), 1613-1630, 2016
Principles of risk-based rock engineering design
J Spross, H Stille, F Johansson, A Palmstrøm
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53 (3), 1129-1143, 2020
Probablilistic model code for concrete dams.: Report 2016: 292
M Westberg Wilde, F Johansson
Energiforsk, 2016
Influence of cohesive strength in probabilistic sliding stability reassessment of concrete dams
A Krounis, F Johansson, J Spross, S Larsson
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (2), 04016094, 2017
Towards an improved observational method
J Spross, F Johansson, H Stille, S Larsson
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Articles 1–20