lei-yong jiang
lei-yong jiang
national research council canada, University of Toronto, University of Calgary
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Flutter of an airfoil with a cubic restoring force
BHK Lee, LY Jiang, YS Wong
Journal of fluids and structures 13 (1), 75-101, 1999
Estimation of the turbulent Schmidt number from experimental profiles of axial velocity and concentration for high-Reynolds-number jet flows
I Yimer, I Campbell, LY Jiang
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal 48 (3), 195-200, 2002
A review on the laminar flame speed and ignition delay time of Syngas mixtures
HC Lee, LY Jiang, AA Mohamad
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2), 1105-1121, 2014
Simulation of conjugate heat transfer using the lattice Boltzmann method
A Tarokh, AA Mohamad, L Jiang
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 63 (3), 159-178, 2013
Laser Doppler velocimetry investigation of the turbulence structure of axisymmetric diffusion flames
JP Sislian, LY Jiang, RA Cusworth
Progress in energy and combustion science 14 (2), 99-146, 1988
A Critical Evaluation of NOx Modeling in a Model Combustor
Jiang, L.Y., and Campbell, I.
ASME Turbo Expo, pp. 403-414, 2004
Reynolds analogy in combustor modeling
LY Jiang, I Campbell
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (5-6), 1251-1263, 2008
Prandtl/Schmidt number effect on temperature distribution in a generic combustor
LY Jiang, I Campbell
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48 (2), 322-330, 2009
A detailed chemical kinetics for the combustion of H2/CO/CH4/CO2 fuel mixtures
HC Lee, AA Mohamad, LY Jiang
Fuel 193, 294-307, 2017
Comprehensive comparison of chemical kinetics mechanisms for syngas/biogas mixtures
HC Lee, AA Mohamad, LY Jiang
Energy & Fuels 29 (9), 6126-6145, 2015
Characteristics of volcanic ash in a gas turbine combustor and nozzle guide vanes
LY Jiang, Y Han, P Patnaik
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (7), 071502, 2018
Assessment of scavenge efficiency for a helicopter particle separation system
LY Jiang, M Benner, J Bird
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 57 (2), 41-48, 2012
Velocity and density measurements in supersonic high-temperature exhaust plumes
LY Jiang, JP Sislian
AIAA journal 36 (7), 1216-1222, 1998
Combustion modeling in a model combustor
LY Jiang, I Campbell, K Su
中文版 22 (5), 694-703, 2007
Radiation benchmarking in a model combustor
LY Jiang, I Campbell
Rayleigh Scattering in Supersonic High-Temperature Exhaust Plumes
JP Jiang, L.Y. and Sislian
the 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2000-0779, 2000
A critical evaluation of turbulence modeling in a model combustor
L Jiang
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44670, 535-545, 2012
Turbulence modeling in a model combustor
LY Jiang, I Campbell
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal 53 (2), 47-57, 2007
RANS modelling of turbulence in combustors
LY Jiang
Turbulence Modelling Approaches—Current State, Development Prospects …, 2017
Conjugate heat transfer of an internally air-cooled nozzle guide vane and shrouds
L Jiang, X Wu, Z Zhang
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 6, 146523, 2014
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Articles 1–20