Ioannis Ioannou
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Cited by
Algorithms for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in coastal and inland waters using red and near infrared bands
AA Gilerson, AA Gitelson, J Zhou, D Gurlin, W Moses, I Ioannou, ...
Optics Express 18 (23), 24109-24125, 2010
Fluorescence component in the reflectance spectra from coastal waters. Dependence on water composition
A Gilerson, J Zhou, S Hlaing, I Ioannou, J Schalles, B Gross, F Moshary, ...
Optics Express 15 (24), 15702-15721, 2007
Deriving ocean color products using neural networks
I Ioannou, A Gilerson, B Gross, F Moshary, S Ahmed
Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 78-91, 2013
Neural network approach to retrieve the inherent optical properties of the ocean from observations of MODIS
I Ioannou, A Gilerson, B Gross, F Moshary, S Ahmed
Applied Optics 50 (19), 3168-3186, 2011
Fluorescence component in the reflectance spectra from coastal waters. II. Performance of retrieval algorithms
A Gilerson, J Zhou, S Hlaing, I Ioannou, B Gross, F Moshary, S Ahmed
Optics express 16 (4), 2446-2460, 2008
Satellite Retrievals of Karenia brevis Harmful Algal Blooms in the West Florida Shelf Using Neural Networks and Comparisons with Other Techniques
A El-Habashi, I Ioannou, MC Tomlinson, RP Stumpf, S Ahmed
Remote Sensing 8 (5), 377, 2016
Retrieving quantum yield of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence near surface from hyperspectral in-situ measurement in productive water
J Zhou, A Gilerson, I Ioannou, S Hlaing, J Schalles, B Gross, F Moshary, ...
Optics express 16 (22), 17468-17483, 2008
Validation of ocean color satellite sensors using coastal observational platform in Long Island Sound
S Hlaing, T Harmel, A Ibrahim, I Ioannou, A Tonizzo, A Gilerson, S Ahmed
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2010 7825, 37-44, 2010
Algorithms for the remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in the Chesapeake Bay
I Ioannou, A Gilerson, M Ondrusek, R Foster, A El-Habashi, K Bastani, ...
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VI 9111, 257-266, 2014
Remote estimation of in water constituents in coastal waters using neural networks
I Ioannou, A Gilerson, ME Ondrusek, S Hlaing, R Foster, A El-Habashi, ...
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water …, 2014
Sensitivity of the above water polarized reflectance to the water composition
A Tonizzo, T Harmel, A Ibrahim, S Hlaing, I Ioannou, A Gilerson, ...
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2010 7825, 133-142, 2010
Neural network approach for the derivation of chlorophyll concentration from ocean color
I Ioannou, R Foster, A Gilerson, B Gross, F Moshary, S Ahmed
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring V 8724, 234-243, 2013
Fluorescence contribution to reflectance spectra for a variety of coastal waters
A Gilerson, J Zhou, S Hlaing, I Ioannou, R Amin, B Gross, F Moshary, ...
Coastal Ocean Remote Sensing 6680, 88-99, 2007
Evaluation of VIIRS ocean color data using measurements from the AERONET-OC sites
S Ahmed, A Gilerson, S Hlaing, I Ioannou, M Wang, A Weidemann, ...
Ocean Sensing and Monitoring V 8724, 198-212, 2013
New algorithm for MODIS chlorophyll fluorescence height retrieval: Performance and comparison with the current product
I Ioannou, J Zhou, A Gilerson, B Gross, F Moshary, S Ahmed
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2009 7473, 74-82, 2009
Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a in coastal waters using red and near infrared spectral regions
A Gilerson, A Gitelson, J Zhou, I Ioannou, S Ahmed
Proceedings of the V International Conference “Current Problems in Optics of …, 2009
Evaluation of the impact of backscatter spectral characteristics on Chl retrievals in coastal waters
S Ahmed, A Gilerson, J Zhou, J Chowdhary, I Ioannou, R Amin, B Gross, ...
Remote sensing of the marine environment 6406, 74-83, 2006
Impact of apparent fluorescence shift on retrieval Algorithms for coastal waters
S Ahmed, A Gilerson, J Zhou, I Ioannou, B Gross, F Moshary
Proc. Ocean Optics XVIII, Montreal, Canada, 2006
Exploring the relation between polarized light fields and physical-optical characteristics of the ocean for remote sensing applications
A Ibrahim, T Harmel, A Tonizzo, I Ioannou, A Gilerson, S Ahmed
Polarization Science and Remote Sensing V 8160, 142-153, 2011
Spectral dependence of the bidirectional reflectance function in coastal waters and its impact on retrieval algorithms
A Gilerson, J Zhou, R Fortich, I Ioannou, S Hlaing, B Gross, F Moshary, ...
2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3777-3780, 2007
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Articles 1–20