Edward Bernroider
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Cited by
ERP selection process in midsize and large organizations
E Bernroider, S Koch
Business Process Management Journal 7 (3), 251-257, 2001
The roles of absorptive capacity and cultural balance for exploratory and exploitative innovation in SMEs
E Limaj, EWN Bernroider
Journal of business research 94, 137-153, 2019
IT governance for enterprise resource planning supported by the DeLone–McLean model of information systems success
EWN Bernroider
Information & Management 45 (5), 257-269, 2008
Prevention is better than cure! Designing information security awareness programs to overcome users' non-compliance with information security policies in banks
S Bauer, EWN Bernroider, K Chudzikowski
computers & security 68, 145-159, 2017
Factors in SWOT Analysis Applied to Micro, Small-to-Medium, and Large Software Enterprises:: an Austrian Study
E Bernroider
European management journal 20 (5), 562-573, 2002
Aligning ICT and legal frameworks in Austria’s e-bureaucracy: from mainframe to the internet
S Koch, EWN Bernroider
ICT and innovation in the public sector - European studies in the making of …, 2008
The performance of contingencies of supply chain information integration: The roles of product and market complexity
CWY Wong, K Lai, EWN Bernroider
International Journal of Production Economics 165, 1-11, 2015
IT project management control and the Control Objectives for IT and related Technology (CobiT) framework
EWN Bernroider, M Ivanov
International Journal of Project Management 29 (3), 325-336, 2011
From information security awareness to reasoned compliant action: analyzing information security policy compliance in a large banking organization
S Bauer, EWN Bernroider
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 48 (3 …, 2017
Profile distance method—a multi-attribute decision making approach for information system investments
EWN Bernroider, V Stix
Decision Support Systems 42 (2), 988-998, 2006
The impact of social information system governance, utilization, and capabilities on absorptive capacity and innovation: A case of Austrian SMEs
E Limaj, EWN Bernroider, J Choudrie
Information & Management 53 (3), 380-397, 2016
Three‐dimensional morphometry in scanning electron microscopy: A technique for accurate dimensional and angular measurements of microstructures using stereopaired digitized …
Minnich, Leeb, Bernroider, Lametschwandtner
Journal of Microscopy 195 (1), 23-33, 1999
Differences in Characteristics of the ERP System Selection Process Between Small or Medium and Large Organizatons
E Bernroider, S Koch
AMCIS, 1022-1028, 2000
From dynamic capabilities to ERP enabled business improvements: The mediating effect of the implementation project
EWN Bernroider, CWY Wong, K Lai
International Journal of Project Management 32 (2), 350-362, 2014
Information systems as a discipline in the making: comparing EJIS and MISQ between 1995 and 2008
JR Córdoba, A Pilkington, EWN Bernroider
European Journal of Information Systems 21 (5), 479-495, 2012
A technological, organisational, and environmental analysis of decision making methodologies and satisfaction in the context of IT induced business transformations
EWN Bernroider, P Schmöllerl
European journal of operational research 224 (1), 141-153, 2013
Research in information systems: a study of diversity and inter-disciplinary discourse in the AIS basket journals between 1995 and 2011
EWN Bernroider, A Pilkington, JR Córdoba
Journal of Information Technology 28 (1), 74-89, 2013
A method using weight restrictions in data envelopment analysis for ranking and validity issues in decision making
E Bernroider, V Stix
Computers & Operations Research 34 (9), 2637-2647, 2007
Multi-Criteria Decision Making: An Application Study of ELECTRE and TOPSIS
W Janko, E Bernroider
Evaluation of cybersecurity management controls and metrics of critical infrastructures: A literature review considering the NIST cybersecurity framework
B Krumay, EWN Bernroider, R Walser
Secure IT Systems: 23rd Nordic Conference, NordSec 2018, Oslo, Norway …, 2018
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Articles 1–20