Lucas Gonzalez
Cited by
Cited by
The politics of happiness: On the political determinants of quality of life in the American states
A Alvarez-Diaz, L Gonzalez, B Radcliff
The journal of politics 72 (3), 894-905, 2010
Political power, fiscal crises, and decentralization in Latin America: Federal countries in comparative perspective (and some contrasts with unitary cases)
LI González
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 38 (2), 211-247, 2008
Governing a pandemic: assessing the role of collaboration on Latin American responses to the COVID-19 crisis
J Cyr, M Bianchi, L González, A Perini
Journal of Politics in Latin America 13 (3), 290-327, 2021
Distributive politics in developing federal democracies: Compensating governors for their territorial support
LI González, I Mamone
Latin American Politics and Society 57 (3), 50-76, 2015
The redistributive effects of centralization and decentralization across subnational units
L González
Latin American Research Review 47 (3), 109-133, 2012
La economía política de la distribución federal de obra pública en Argentina
L González, I Mamone
Desarrollo Económico: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 59-80, 2011
Presidents, Governors, and the Politics of Distribution in Federal Democracies: Primus Contra Pares in Argentina and Brazil
LI González
Routledge, 2016
Unpacking delegative democracy: digging into the empirical content of a rich theoretical concept
LI González
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014
Transferencias federales, desigualdad interregional y redistribución
LI Gonzalez
Universidad de Salamanca. Instituto de Iberoamérica, 2014
The impact of oil rents on subnational development: evidence from Argentina
LI González, G Lodola
Studies in Comparative International Development 54 (4), 550-570, 2019
The Power of Governors. Conceptualization, Measurement, and Comparative Analysis
L Gonzalez
Documentos de Trabajo de la Escuela de Política y Gobierno 1, 1-29, 2012
El federalismo argentino en perspectiva comparada
TG Falleti, L González, M Lardone
EDUCC, Editorial Universidad Católica Córdoba, 2013
Oil rents and patronage: the fiscal effects of oil booms in the argentine provinces
LI González
Comparative Politics 51 (1), 101-126, 2018
Electoral competition and social spending in the Argentine provinces
L González
Journal of Politics in Latin America 9 (1), 91-124, 2017
Primus contra pares Presidents, governors, and the struggles over the distribution of power in federal democracies
LI González
University of Notre Dame, 2010
Modes of lithium extraction in Argentina: mining politics in Catamarca, Jujuy, and Salta
LI Gonzalez, R Snyder
Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2020
Federal transfers, inequality, and redistribution: Contrasting theories and empirical evidence for five Latin American cases
LI González
Negotiating Universalism in India and Latin America, 50-70, 2021
The power of governors: conceptualization, measurement, and comparative analysis for Argentina and Brazil
L González
Documentos de Trabajo de la Escuela de Política y Gobierno I, Universidad …, 2013
Modes of extraction in Latin America’s lithium triangle: explaining negotiated, unnegotiated, and aborted mining projects
LI González, R Snyder
Latin American Politics and Society 65 (1), 47-73, 2023
Resisting equality: Subnational state capture and the unequal distribution of inequality
L Gonźalez, M Nazareno
Comparative Politics 54 (2), 303-325, 2022
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Articles 1–20