René Alquézar
René Alquézar
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Graph-based representations and techniques for image processing and image analysis
A Sanfeliu, R Alquézar, J Andrade, J Climent, F Serratosa, J Vergés
Pattern recognition 35 (3), 639-650, 2002
Neural networks with periodic and monotonic activation functions: a comparative study in classification problems
JM Sopena, E Romero, R Alquezar
9th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: ICANN'99, 323-328, 1999
Function-described graphs for modelling objects represented by sets of attributed graphs
F Serratosa, R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
Pattern recognition 36 (3), 781-798, 2003
A new graph matching method for point-set correspondence using the EM algorithm and Softassign
G Sanromà, R Alquézar, F Serratosa
Computer vision and image understanding 116 (2), 292-304, 2012
Second-order random graphs for modeling sets of attributed graphs and their application to object learning and recognition
A Sanfeliu, F Serratosa, R Alquézar
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 18 …, 2004
Synthesis of function-described graphs and clustering of attributed graphs
F Serratosa, R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 16 …, 2002
Searching and tracking people with cooperative mobile robots
A Goldhoorn, A Garrell, R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
Autonomous robots 42 (4), 739-759, 2018
An algebraic framework to represent finite state machines in single-layer recurrent neural networks
R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
Neural Computation 7 (5), 931-949, 1995
Smooth point-set registration using neighboring constraints
G Sanromà, R Alquézar, F Serratosa, B Herrera
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (15), 2029-2037, 2012
Continuous real time POMCP to find-and-follow people by a humanoid service robot
A Goldhoorn, A Garrell, R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 741-747, 2014
A probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework
F Serratosa, R Alquézar, N Amézquita
Expert Systems With Applications 39 (8), 7302-7318, 2012
Clustering of attributed graphs and unsupervised synthesis of function-described graphs
A Sanfeliu, F Serratosa, R Alquézar
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Active grammatical inference: a new learning methodology
A Sanfeliu, R Alquezar
Shape and Structure in Pattern Recognition, 191-200, 1995
Comparing error minimized extreme learning machines and support vector sequential feed-forward neural networks
E Romero, R Alquézar
Neural Networks 25, 122-129, 2012
Efficient algorithms for matching attributed graphs and function-described graphs
F Serratosa, R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
A new incremental method for function approximation using feed-forward neural networks
E Romero, R Alquezar
Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2002
Incremental grammatical inference from positive and negative data using unbiased finite state automata
R Alquezar, A Sanfeliu
Shape, Structure and Pattern Recognition, Proc. Int. Workshop on Structural …, 1995
Synthesis of function-described graphs
R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu, F Serratosa
Advances in Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 …, 1998
Local maximum ozone concentration prediction using soft computing methodologies
P Gómez, A Nebot, S Ribeiro, R Alquézar, F Mugica, F Wotawa
Systems analysis modelling simulation 43 (8), 1011-1031, 2003
Recognition and learning of a class of context-sensitive languages described by augmented regular expressions
R Alquézar, A Sanfeliu
Pattern Recognition 30 (1), 163-182, 1997
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Articles 1–20