Osvaldo Morrone
Osvaldo Morrone
Doctor en Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP.
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Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de la República Argentina
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone
Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, v. 60, 74, 1996
A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae)
RJ Soreng, PM Peterson, K Romaschenko, G Davidse, FO Zuloaga, ...
Journal of Systematics and evolution 53 (2), 117-137, 2015
Catálogo de la familia Poaceae en la República Argentina.
FO Zuloaga
Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (USA). v. 47., 1994
Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae
RJ Soreng, PM Peterson, G Davidse, EJ Judziewicz, FO Zuloaga, ...
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 48, 1-730, 2003
Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies panicoideae, aristidoideae, arundinoideae, and danthonioideae.
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone, G Davidse, TS Filgueiras, PM Peterson, ...
Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae): integrating plastid DNA sequences and morphology into a new classification
O Morrone, L Aagesen, MA Scataglini, DL Salariato, SS Denham, ...
Cladistics 28 (4), 333-356, 2012
Revisión de las Especies de Paspalum para América del Sur Austral (Argentina, Bolivia, sur del Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, y Uruguay)
NA Harriman
Economic Botany 59 (3), 304-304, 2005
Phylogenetic studies favour the unification of Pennisetum, Cenchrus and Odontelytrum (Poaceae): a combined nuclear, plastid and morphological analysis, and …
MA Chemisquy, LM Giussani, MA Scataglini, EA Kellogg, O Morrone
Annals of Botany 106 (1), 107-130, 2010
Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de la República Argentina II.: Fabaceae-Zygophyllaceae (Dicotyledoneae). Bind 2
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone
Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 1999
A global database of C4 photosynthesis in grasses
CP Osborne, A Salomaa, TA Kluyver, V Visser, EA Kellogg, O Morrone, ...
New Phytologist 204 (3), 441-446, 2014
Quantitative biogeography in the South America highlands—recognizing the Altoandina, Puna and Prepuna through the study of Poaceae
L Aagesen, CA Szumik, FO Zuloaga, O Morrone
Cladistics 25 (3), 295-310, 2009
A cladistic analysis of the Paniceae: a preliminary approach
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone, LM Giussani
Grasses: systematics and evolution, 123-135, 2000
Revisión de las especies sudamericanas nativas e introducidas de los géneros Brachiaria y Urochloa (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae)
Darwiniana, 43-109, 1992
Catálogo de las plantas vasculares del Cono Sur. Vol. 1, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae y Monocotyledonae
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone, MJ Belgrano
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard 107, 2008
Systematic revision and phylogeny of Paspalum subgenus Ceresia (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae)
SS Denham, Fernando 0. Zuloaga, O Morrone
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 337-399, 2002
Parodiophyllochloa, a new genus segregated from Panicum (Paniceae, Poaceae) based on morphological and molecular data
O Morrone, SS Denham, SS Aliscioni, FO Zuloaga
Systematic Botany 33 (1), 66-76, 2008
Revisión taxonómica de las especies del género verbena (verbenaceae): serie pachystachyae1
N O'Leary, ME Múlgura, O Morrone
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 94 (3), 571-621, 2007
Revision y analysis cladistico de steinchisma (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae)
FO Zuloaga, O Morrone, AS Vega, LM Giussani
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 631-656, 1998
Systematics of Paspalum Group Notata (Poaceae-Panicoideae-Paniceae)
FO Zuloaga, J Pensiero, O Morrone
Systematic Botany Monographs, 1-75, 2004
A preliminary molecular phylogeny of Pennisetum and Cenchrus (Poaceae‐Paniceae) based on the trnL‐F, rpl16 chloroplast markers
S Donadío, LM Giussani, EA Kellogg, FO Zuolaga, O Morrone
Taxon 58 (2), 392-404, 2009
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Articles 1–20