Mehdi Davoodi
Cited by
Cited by
Designing a multivariate–multistage quality control system using artificial neural networks
STA Niaki, M Davoodi
International Journal of Production Research 47 (1), 251-271, 2009
Brand and quality effects on introduction of store brand products
N Al-Monawer, M Davoodi, L Qi
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 61, 102507, 2021
Estimating the change point of correlated Poisson count processes
E Asghari Torkamani, STA Niaki, M Aminnayeri, M Davoodi
Quality Engineering 26 (2), 182-195, 2014
Dynamic inventory control with fixed setup costs and unknown discrete demand distribution
M Davoodi, MN Katehakis, J Yang
Operations Research 70 (3), 1560-1576, 2022
Estimating the step‐change time of the location parameter in multistage processes using mle
M Davoodi, STA Niaki
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 28 (8), 843-855, 2012
A maximum likelihood approach to estimate the change point of multistage Poisson count processes
M Davoodi, STA Niaki, EA Torkamani
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 77, 1443-1464, 2015
Short-run process control based on non-conformity degree
M Aminnayeri, EA Torkamani, M Davodi, M Ramtin
Proc. World Congress in Engineering 3, 2273-2276, 2010
Change point estimation of location parameter in multistage processes
STA Niaki, M Davoodi, EA Torkamani
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 1, 2011
Designing an integrated inventory model for deteriorating items with inventory-dependent demand rate in a multi- echelon supply chain (in Persian)
MR Akbari Jokar, H Vahdani, M Davoodi
Proceedings of Second National Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain …, 2006
Identifying the Change Time of the Rate Parameter of a Multistage Poisson Count Process
M Davoodi, STA Niaki, EA Torkamani
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Articles 1–10