Claudiane Arakaki Fukuchi
Claudiane Arakaki Fukuchi
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Effects of walking speed on gait biomechanics in healthy participants: a systematic review and meta-analysis
CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
Systematic reviews 8, 1-11, 2019
A public dataset of overground and treadmill walking kinematics and kinetics in healthy individuals
CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
PeerJ 6, e4640, 2018
A public dataset of running biomechanics and the effects of running speed on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics
RK Fukuchi, CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
PeerJ 5, e3298, 2017
The effects of wedged footwear on lower limb frontal plane biomechanics during running
RT Lewinson, CA Fukuchi, JT Worobets, DJ Stefanyshyn
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 23 (3), 208-215, 2013
A data set with kinematic and ground reaction forces of human balance
DA Dos Santos, CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
PeerJ 5, e3626, 2017
Postural sway following cryotherapy in healthy adults
CA Fukuchi, M Duarte, DJ Stefanyshyn
Gait & posture 40 (1), 262-265, 2014
Evaluation of alternative technical markers for the pelvic coordinate system
RK Fukuchi, C Arakaki, MIV Orselli, M Duarte
Journal of Biomechanics 43 (3), 592-594, 2010
A prediction method of speed-dependent walking patterns for healthy individuals
CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
Gait & Posture 68, 280-284, 2019
A public dataset of overground and treadmill walking kinematics and kinetics in healthy individuals. PeerJ 6, e4640
CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
Go to original source, 2018
Effects of walking speed on gait biomechanics in healthy participants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2019; 8: 153
CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
Effects of age and speed on the ankle–foot system’s power during walking
LS da Silva, RK Fukuchi, RN Watanabe, CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
Scientific reports 10 (1), 14903, 2020
Effects of lateral and medial wedged insoles on knee and ankle internal joint moments during walking in healthy men
CA Fukuchi, RT Lewinson, JT Worobets, DJ Stefanyshyn
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 106 (6), 411-418, 2016
Gait Profile Score in able-bodied and post-stroke individuals adjusted for the effect of gait speed
CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
Gait & Posture 69, 40-45, 2019
A public dataset of running biomechanics and the effects of running speed on lower extremity kinematics and kinetics. PeerJ 5, e3298
RK Fukuchi, CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
Effects of cold water immersion on lower extremity joint biomechanics during running
CA Fukuchi, ES Da Rocha, DJ Stefanyshyn
Journal of sports sciences 33 (5), 449-456, 2015
A low-cost easily implementable physiotherapy intervention clinically improves gait implying better adaptation to lower limb prosthesis: a randomized clinical trial
LV Almeida, CA Fukuchi, TE Sakanaka, A Cliquet Jr
Scientific reports 11 (1), 21228, 2021
Test of two prediction methods for minimum and maximum values of gait kinematics and kinetics data over a range of speeds
CA Fukuchi, RK Fukuchi, M Duarte
Gait & Posture 73, 269-272, 2019
A small integrated lateral wedge does not alter knee joint moments during walking
C Fukuchi, J Worobets, JW Wannop, D Stefanyshyn
Footwear Science 4 (3), 207-212, 2012
Development of a skin temperature map for dermatomes in individuals with spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional study
JR Tancredo, RA Tambascia, M Borges, CA Fukuchi, A Cliquet Junior
Spinal cord 58 (10), 1090-1095, 2020
The effects of an unstable shoe on energy expenditure and knee and ankle joint moments during walking in women
CA Fukuchi, J Worobets, D Stefanyshyn
Footwear Science 5 (sup1), S95-S96, 2013
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Articles 1–20