Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam
Cited by
Cited by
A multivariate model of micro credit and rural women entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh
S Afrin, N Islam, SU Ahmed
International Journal of Business and Management 3 (8), 169-185, 2008
Micro credit and rural women entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh: A multivariate Model
S Afrin, N Islam, SU Ahmed
Journal of Business and Management 16 (1), 9-36, 2010
Factors affecting consumers’ preferences on fast food items in Bangladesh
N Islam, GM Ullah
The Journal of Applied Business Research 26 (4), 131-146, 2010
Job satisfaction of bank officers in Bangladesh
N Islam, GC Saha
ABAC Journal 21 (3), 62-74, 2016
Labor Unrest in the Readymade Garment Industry of Bangladesh
S Ahmed, MZ Raihan, N Islam
International Journal of Business and Management 8 (15), 68-80, 2013
A Study on the Motivation to Transfer Training in the Banking Industry of Bangladesh
MS Arefin, N Islam
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6 (1), 1-28, 2018
Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of Business Students: A Case Study
S Arefin, R Islam, MAA Mustafi, S Afrin, N Islam
Independent Journal of Management & Production 8 (3), 955-975, 2017
Strategies for service and market development of entrepreneurial software designing firms
B Igel, N Islam
Technovation 21 (3), 157-166, 2001
Workplace Security of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh
MJ Alam, MZ Mamun, N Islam
Social Science Review 21 (2), 191-200, 2004
Determinants of Empowerment of Rural Women in Bangladesh
N Islam, E Ahmed, BDN J Chew
World Journal of Management 4 (2), 36-56, 2012
Organizational politics and work-family conflict: the hospitality industry in Bangladesh
MS Arefin, MS Alam, N Islam, M and Molasy
South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 2020
Testing knowledge sharing effectiveness: trust, motivation, leadership style, workplace spirituality and social network embedded model
M Rahman, AA Osman-Gani, A Momen, N Islam
Management & Marketing: Challenges for the Knowledge Society 10 (4), 284-303, 2015
Factors Influencing the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh
MO Faruk, N Hassan, N Islam
Aussie-Sino Studies 2 (1), 1-106, 2016
A measurement of customer service quality of banks in Dhaka City of Bangladesh
N Islam, E Ahmed
South Asian Journal of Management 12 (1), 37-57, 2005
Entrepreneurship Development - An Operational Approach: Text and Cases with Special Reference to Bangladesh
N Islam, MZ Mamun
University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2000
Exploring residents' satisfaction of facilities provided by private apartment companies
MS Rahman, B Hussain, A Uddin, N Islam
Asia Pacific Management Review 20 (3), 130-140, 2015
Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, Urbanization and Financial Development in Bangladesh: Vector Error Correction Model
K Alom, A Uddin, N Islam
Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research 9 (4), 178-189, 2017
Factors Affecting Customers’ Experience in Mobile Banking of Bangladesh
N Islam, MAA Mustafi, MN Rahman, N Nower, MAA Rafi, MT Natasha, ...
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 19 (5), 36-49, 2019
Factors Determining the Success of SMEs in Bangladesh
N Islam, DMA Mukit
1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship, SMEs Development and …, 2013
Women Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh: A Multivariate Analysis
MS Hoque, H Bhattacharjee, N Islam
International Journal of Management (IJM) 11 (10), 379-392, 2020
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Articles 1–20