Variations of tunneling properties in poly (lactic acid)(PLA)/poly (ethylene oxide)(PEO)/carbon nanotubes (CNT) nanocomposites during hydrolytic degradation S Kim, Y Zare, H Garmabi, KY Rhee Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 274, 28-36, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
The upgrade of the advanced photon source M Borland, A Blednykh Brookhaven National Lab.(BNL), Upton, NY (United States), 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Epidermal growth factor increases insulin secretion and lowers blood glucose in diabetic mice HY Lee, K Yea, J Kim, BD Lee, YC Chae, HS Kim, DW Lee, SH Kim, ... Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 12 (5a), 1593-1604, 2008 | 57 | 2008 |
Completion of efficiency and intensity upgrade of the ATLAS facility PN Ostroumov, ZA Conway, C Dickerson, S Gerbick, M Kedzie, MP Kelly, ... Proc. LINAC’14, 449-451, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Beam commissioning in the first superconducting segment of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams PN Ostroumov, T Maruta, S Cogan, K Fukushima, SH Kim, S Lidia, F Marti, ... Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22 (8), 080101, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Commissioning of the 72 MHz quarter-wave cavity cryomodule at ATLAS MP Kelly, ZA Conway, SM Gerbick, MR Hendricks, M Kedzie, SH Kim, ... TUPP002, these proceedings, LINAC, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Design of intense L-band electron linac SH Kim, B Park, SI Moon, HR Yang, MH Cho, W Namkung, SD Jang, ... JOURNAL-KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 50 (5), 1416, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
Emissivity measurement of coated copper and aluminum samples at 80 K SH Kim, ZA Conway, PN Ostroumov, KW Shepard AIP Conference Proceedings 1573 (1), 500-506, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Achieving high peak fields and low residual resistance in half-wave cavities ZA Conway, A Barcikowski, GL Cherry, RL Fischer, SM Gerbick, ... Proc. SRF 15, 973-975, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Superconducting harmonic cavity for the Advanced Photon Source upgrade MP Kelly, A Barcikowski, J Carwardine, ZA Conway, D Horan, M Kedzie, ... Proc. 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC'15), 3267-3269, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Development and test results of a quasi-waveguide multicell resonator ZA Conway, A Barcikowski, SM Gerbick, MJ Kedzie, MP Kelly, SH Kim, ... IPAC14, Dresden, Germany, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Low beta cavity development for an ATLAS intensity upgrade M Kelly, ZA Conway, SM Gerbick, M Kedzie, TC Reid, RC Murphy, ... the Proceedings of SRF, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Status of the CESC accelerator development JS Oh, SD Jang, SJ Kwon, YG Son, SJ Park, SH Kim, HR Yang, MH Cho, ... Journal of the Korean Physical Society 52 (9), 694-698, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Preservation of quality factor of half wave resonator during quenching in the presence of solenoid field SH Kim, Z Conway, M Kelly, P Ostroumov, S Gerbick, T Reid, M Kedzie, ... 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
4 K Alignment of Superconducting Quarter-Wave Cavities and 9 T Solenoids in the ATLAS Intensity Upgrade Cryomodule SH Kim, ZA Conway, WG Jansma, MJ Kedzie, MP Kelly, PN Ostroumov TUPP003, in these proceedings, LINAC, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
First experimental results for the superconducting half-wave resonators for PXIE ZA Conway, A Barcikowski, GL Cherry, RL Fischer, SM Gerbick, ... Proc. LINAC2014, 46, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Commissioning scenario for L-band electron accelerator by PARMELA code HR Yang, SH Kim, SI Moon, MH Cho, W Namkung, JS Oh, YG Son, ... 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2820-2822, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
A new 2 Kelvin superconducting half-wave cavity cryomodule for PIP-II ZA Conway, A Barcikowski, GL Cherry, RL Fischer, SM Gerbick, ... IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 101 (1), 012019, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Transverse RF focusing in bunching cells for standing-wave linac H Yang, SH Kim, SJ Park, JS Oh, M Cho, W Namkung Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Design Study of the Higher Harmonic Cavity for Advanced Photon Source Upgrade SH Kim, MP Kelly, PN Ostroumov, T Berenc, G Decker, J Carwardine TUPJE076, these proceedings, IPAC 15, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |