Melt-spun thin ribbons of shape memory TiNiCu alloy for micromechanical applications AV Shelyakov, NN Sitnikov, VV Koledov, DS Kuchin, AI Irzhak, ... International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials 2 (2), 68-77, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
Nanostructured thin ribbons of a shape memory TiNiCu alloy AV Shelyakov, NN Sitnikov, AP Menushenkov, VV Koledov, AI Irjak Thin Solid Films 519 (15), 5314-5317, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Submicron-sized actuators based on enhanced shape memory composite material fabricated by FIB-CVD D Zakharov, G Lebedev, A Irzhak, V Afonina, A Mashirov, V Kalashnikov, ... Smart materials and structures 21 (5), 052001, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
Composite Materials Based on Shape‐Memory Ti2NiCu Alloy for Frontier Micro‐ and Nanomechanical Applications P Lega, V Koledov, A Orlov, D Kuchin, A Frolov, V Shavrov, A Martynova, ... Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (8), 1700154, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Development of laminated nanocomposites on the bases of magnetic and non-magnetic shape memory alloys: Towards new tools for nanotechnology A Irzhak, V Koledov, D Zakharov, G Lebedev, A Mashirov, V Afonina, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 586, S464-S468, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Actuators based on composite material with shape-memory effect AV Irzhak, DI Zakharov, VS Kalashnikov, VV Koledov, DS Kuchin, ... Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 55, 818-830, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Comparison between superplastic deformation mechanisms at primary and steady stages of the fine grain AA7475 aluminium alloy AV Mikhaylovskaya, OA Yakovtseva, MN Sitkina, AD Kotov, AV Irzhak, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 718, 277-286, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Giant reversible deformations in a shape-memory composite material AV Irzhak, VS Kalashnikov, VV Koledov, DS Kuchin, GA Lebedev, ... Technical Physics Letters 36, 329-332, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Magnetic shape memory microactuator E Kalimullina, A Kamantsev, V Koledov, V Shavrov, V Nizhankovskii, ... Physica status solidi (c) 11 (5‐6), 1023-1025, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
An enhanced composite scheme of shape memory actuator for smart systems D Zakharov, G Lebedev, V Koledov, P Lega, D Kuchin, A Irzhak, ... Physics Procedia 10, 58-64, 2010 | 48 | 2010 |
Fabrication of current collector using a composite of polylactic acid and carbon nano-material for metal-free supercapacitors with graphene oxide separators and microwave … SА Baskakov, YV Baskakova, NV Lyskov, NN Dremova, AV Irzhak, ... Electrochimica Acta 260, 557-563, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Advanced system for nanofabrication and nanomanipulation based on shape memory alloy S Von Gratowski, V Koledov, V Shavrov, S Petrenko, A Irzhak, ... Frontiers in Materials Processing, Applications, Research and Technology …, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
The role of grain boundary sliding and intragranular deformation mechanisms for a steady stage of superplastic flow for Al–Mg-based alloys AV Mikhaylovskaya, OA Yakovtseva, AV Irzhak Materials Science and Engineering: A 833, 142524, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
The smallest and the fastest shape memory alloy actuator for micro-and nanorobotics DS Kuchin, PV Lega, AP Orlov, VV Koledov, AV Irzhak 2017 international conference on manipulation, automation and robotics at …, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Properties of self-organized SiGe nanostructures formed by ion implantation YN Parkhomenko, AI Belogorokhov, NN Gerasimenko, AV Irzhak, ... Semiconductors 38, 572-575, 2004 | 27 | 2004 |
Amorphous–crystalline Ti2NiCu alloy rapidly quenched ribbons annealed by DSC and electric pulses SP Belyaev, NN Resnina, AV Irzhak, VV Istomin-Kastrovsky, VV Koledov, ... Journal of alloys and compounds 586, S222-S224, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Frontiers in Materials Processing, Applications, Research and Technology S Von Gratowski, V Koledov, V Shavrov, S Petrenko, A Irzhak, ... Springer, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Characterisation and electrical conductivity of polytetrafluoroethylene/graphite nanoplatelets composite films YM Shulga, AV Melezhik, EN Kabachkov, FO Milovich, NV Lyskov, ... Applied Physics A 125, 1-8, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
New system for manipulation of nanoobjects based on composite Ti2NiCu/Pt nanotweezers with shape memory effect AM Zhikharev, AV Irzhak, MY Beresin, PV Lega, VV Koledov, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 741 (1), 012206, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Simulation of the control process applied to the micromechanical device with the shape memory effect PV Lega, VV Koledov, DS Kuchin, PV Mazaev, AM Zhikharev, ... Journal of communications technology and electronics 60, 1124-1133, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |