Articles with public access mandates - Ellen GoddardLearn more
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Consumers and trust
JE Hobbs, E Goddard
Food Policy 52, 71-74, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Ethical issues and potential stakeholder priorities associated with the application of genomic technologies applied to animal production systems
D Coles, LJ Frewer, E Goddard
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28, 231-253, 2015
Mandates: Genome Canada
Moral foundations and credence attributes in livestock production: Canada
E Goddard, V Muringai, A Boaitey
Journal of Consumer Marketing 36 (3), 418-428, 2019
Mandates: Genome Canada
Consumer purchase intentions for pork with enhanced carnosine–A functional food
X Arenna, E Goddard, V Muringai
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2019
Mandates: Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
An ethnographic exploration of perceptions of changes in dietary variety in the Kolli Hills, India
T Huang, AP Farmer, E Goddard, N Willows, F Subhan
Food Security 9, 759-771, 2017
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
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Knowledge gaps in the understanding of antimicrobial resistance in Canada
KD McCubbin, RM Anholt, E de Jong, JA Ida, DB Nóbrega, JP Kastelic, ...
Frontiers in public health 9, 726484, 2021
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries
V Cologna, NG Mede, S Berger, J Besley, C Brick, M Joubert, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-18, 2025
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, Netherlands …
Public acceptance of antibiotic use in livestock production Canada and Germany
E Goddard, M Hartmann, J Klink-Lehmann
Mandates: Genome Canada
“That’s the Way We’ve Always Done It”: A Social Practice Analysis of Farm Animal Welfare in Alberta
EM Bassi, E Goddard, JR Parkins
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2), 335-354, 2019
Mandates: Genome Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Food integrity and food technology concerns in Canada: Evidence from two public surveys
E Goddard, V Muringai, A Boaitey
Journal of Food Quality 2018 (1), 2163526, 2018
Mandates: Genome Canada
“It’s important to know about this”-risk communication and the impacts of chronic wasting disease on indigenous food systems in Western Canada
B Parlee, K Ahkimnachie, H Cunningham, M Jordan, E Goddard
Environmental Science & Policy 123, 190-201, 2021
Mandates: Genome Canada
Feed efficiency estimates in cattle: The economic and environmental impacts of reranking
A Boaitey, E Goddard, S Mohapatra, J Crowley
Sustainable Agriculture Research 6 (2), 2017
Mandates: Genome Canada
Public perceptions regarding genomic technologies applied to breeding farm animals: A qualitative study
FZ Naab, D Coles, E Goddard, LJ Frewer
BioTech 10 (4), 28, 2021
Mandates: Genome Canada
Public preferences for options to manage chronic wasting disease in Canada: a paired comparisons study
G Durocher, MKM Luckert, EW Goddard
Environmental Science & Policy 132, 206-213, 2022
Mandates: Genome Canada
Conserving biodiversity in farm animals: Do farmer and public biodiversity knowledge and awareness matter?
A Boaitey, E Goddard, G Hailu
Society & Natural Resources 31 (8), 960-976, 2018
Mandates: Genome Canada
Environmentally friendly breeding, spatial heterogeneity and effective carbon offset design in beef cattle
A Boaitey, E Goddard, S Mohapatra
Food Policy, 2019
Mandates: Genome Canada
Perceptions of science, science communication, and climate change attitudes in 68 countries–the TISP dataset
NG Mede, V Cologna, S Berger, J Besley, C Brick, M Joubert, ...
Scientific data 12 (1), 114, 2025
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, European Commission …
Does Internet Use Affect Public Perceptions of Technologies in Livestock Production?
AH Matin, E Goddard
Mandates: Genome Canada
How the use of genomics may continue to influence consumer behavior
E Goddard
A Modern Guide to Food Economics, 327-351, 2022
Mandates: Genome Canada
Disruptive technologies, public perceptions and implications for pork
E Goddard
Advances in pork production. Proceeding of the 2019 Banff Pork Seminar, 2019
Mandates: Genome Canada
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