Matthew C Farrelly
Matthew C Farrelly
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Getting to the truth: evaluating national tobacco countermarketing campaigns
MC Farrelly, CG Healton, KC Davis, P Messeri, JC Hersey, ML Haviland
American journal of public health 92 (6), 901-907, 2002
Evidence of a dose—response relationship between “truth” antismoking Ads and youth smoking prevalence
MC Farrelly, KC Davis, ML Haviland, P Messeri, CG Healton
American journal of public health 95 (3), 425-431, 2005
Do workplace smoking bans reduce smoking?
WN Evans, MC Farrelly, E Montgomery
American Economic Review 89 (4), 728-747, 1999
The impact of workplace smoking bans: results from a national survey
MC Farrelly, WN Evans, AES Sfekas
Tobacco Control 8 (3), 272-277, 1999
The compensating behavior of smokers: taxes, tar, and nicotine
WN Evans, MC Farrelly
The Rand journal of economics, 578-595, 1998
Declines in hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction in New York state after implementation of a comprehensive smoking ban
HR Juster, BR Loomis, TM Hinman, MC Farrelly, A Hyland, UE Bauer, ...
American journal of public health 97 (11), 2035-2039, 2007
Youth tobacco prevention mass media campaigns: past, present, and future directions
MC Farrelly, J Niederdeppe, J Yarsevich
Tobacco control 12 (suppl 1), i35-i47, 2003
The influence of the national truth® campaign on smoking initiation
MC Farrelly, J Nonnemaker, KC Davis, A Hussin
American journal of preventive medicine 36 (5), 379-384, 2009
Changes in hospitality workers’ exposure to secondhand smoke following the implementation of New York’s smoke-free law
MC Farrelly, JM Nonnemaker, R Chou, A Hyland, KK Peterson, UE Bauer
Tobacco Control 14 (4), 236-241, 2005
The impact of tobacco control programs on adult smoking
MC Farrelly, TF Pechacek, KY Thomas, D Nelson
American journal of public health 98 (2), 304-309, 2008
The impact of tobacco control program expenditures on aggregate cigarette sales: 1981–2000
MC Farrelly, TF Pechacek, FJ Chaloupka
Journal of health economics 22 (5), 843-859, 2003
Response by adults to increases in cigarette prices by sociodemographic characteristics
MC Farrelly, JW Bray, T Pechacek, T Woollery
Southern Economic Journal 68 (1), 156-165, 2001
Recruiting hard-to-reach populations for survey research: using Facebook and Instagram advertisements and in-person intercept in LGBT bars and nightclubs to recruit LGBT young …
J Guillory, KF Wiant, M Farrelly, L Fiacco, I Alam, L Hoffman, E Crankshaw, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (6), e197, 2018
A randomized trial of the effect of e-cigarette TV advertisements on intentions to use e-cigarettes
MC Farrelly, JC Duke, EC Crankshaw, ME Eggers, YO Lee, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 49 (5), 686-693, 2015
State tobacco control spending and youth smoking
JA Tauras, FJ Chaloupka, MC Farrelly, GA Giovino, M Wakefield, ...
American journal of public health 95 (2), 338-344, 2005
Marijuana and youth
RL Pacula, M Grossman, FJ Chaloupka, PM O'Malley, LD Johnston, ...
Risky behavior among youths: An economic analysis, 271-326, 2001
Confirming “truth”: more evidence of a successful tobacco countermarketing campaign in Florida
J Niederdeppe, MC Farrelly, ML Haviland
American journal of public health 94 (2), 255-257, 2004
Association between The Real Cost media campaign and smoking initiation among youths—United States, 2014–2016
MC Farrelly
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 66, 2017
The joint demand for cigarettes and marijuana: evidence from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse
MC Farrelly, JW Bray, GA Zarkin, BW Wendling
Journal of health economics 20 (1), 51-68, 2001
Response to increases in cigarette prices by race/ethnicity, income, and age groups—United States, 1976–1993
MC Farrelly, JW Bray
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 47 (29), 605-609, 1998
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